Authors note

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Hiya, everyone who is reading this book, I just wanted to say thank you for stopping by and giving this story a chance.

I am someone who loves this sport I have been a fan for years but I have written about the formula one world before, I got a few story ideas.

but I am someone who in general enjoys creating stories and loves using this as a way of escaping from the world and I do hope that you stick around, to find out what happens with Charlie and her story, I had posted this story last year but took it down and came back to it this year and re-written the storyline and changed some of the characters around.

oh I do try my best to proof read before I post a new chapter but if you guys do notice a spelling mistake or something, then please let me know but dropping a comment about it.

But I really am grateful, for the views as I mostly write for myself, so it's just great to be able to share these stories with you.
I will try and keep interesting and what as I say I have few ideas on where I want to take this book, and hopefully you guys will enjoy reading it.

*Plus might I just add, how good was it to see the cars out on track over the weekend, I loved it and now it's what just about 2 weeks until the first race weekend and i am super exited to get this season under way.*

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