The End

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We run to the source of the noise and see Confederate happily shooting at our friends.

"Get to safety," I demand to everyone, using Utah's powers to gather them outside of a ring of lava I put around me and Confederate. Confederate laughs.

"Looks like you've got some control over those powers of yours... but is it enough to beat me?" Confederate taunted.

"Just wait and see you f*ckface," I say, my arm being encased in a gauntlet of molten rock. Confederate multiplies himself, and all of them rush me. I burrow into the earth and emerge behind Confederate, planning to send a gust of wind to knock him down...

But I accidentally sent out a wave of flowers...

DANG IT! America never finished teaching me to channel my powers!

Confederate knocks me to the floor and aims his hand at my head, like a gun. I push him back with a powerful gust of water, but he lands on his feet and turns invisible. I quickly glance around, throwing attacks everywhere in hopes of hitting him...

Suddenly, he reappears right behind me and kicks me in the back. I fall over, and turn around just in time to see him about to shoot...

And then Florida tackles him to the ground and starts clawing and biting him. Confederate shouts angrily, before growing spikes and impaling Florida.

"NO!" I scream. Confederate shoved Florida's weakened body away from him, and smiled wickedly at me. He shot me twice, and I fall back, limp...

Confederate laughs... all of my friends powers fly from my chest and to Confederate...the lava I created to keep everyone out turned to stone... my friends circle around me... Suddenly California and Louis are holding me...

"I'm sorry... I couldn't.... I couldn't save us...," I say softly. America kneels down before me.

"Texas... it's ok... th-thank you.... for everything," America said. I close my eyes...

And open them to see a vast green field.....

"Wh-what...? Is this... heaven?" I say softly.

"It is whatever you believe it to be," I hear a woman say. I turn around and see a young woman who had a striking resemblance to America.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask. She smiles.

"That's unimportant... what is important, is that you return home to save your friends," She said. Suddenly, we were back where I was... I see as my friends clutch my dead body, Confederate clutching the once white candle, which was now black with a blue flame.

"But how? I... I tried.... but... I don't know what I'm doing! I'm not good enough... that's why I'm dead now, isn't it?" I ask. The woman smiled apologetically, shaking her head.

"Your spirit is strong, young one... even when you were powerless, you cared about your friends more than anything... and now, they need that same love more than ever... take this candle, and finally banish the corruption long built up within my son... save the magic, save your home... save your family," She said.

"Your son.... wait... NATIVE?" I exclaim. She smiles and nods. Suddenly, she begins fading before my eyes. A pure, white candle forms in my hands...

I wake up back in my body... my wounds seal up.... I feel powerful.

"Texas?" California says. I shakily stand up, and wings made of pure light and magic form behind my back. My eyes glow bright white, and I hold up my hand... a candle forms, and Confederates dies out.

"No... this doesn't make sense....," Confederate said. I grab his shoulder, and whisper in his ear...

"Bye b*tch,"

I blast him with a ray of what I assume is pure magic and goodness. When I finally run out of breath, I stop, my wings fading away and my eyes no longer glowing. Confederate lies unconscious on the ground.

"Now what?" I ask. America stands next to me, and slowly opens a portal.

"I've never visited the other dimensions before... I just hope they can manage him," America said, shoving Confederate in the portal, before sealing it for good. I turn and look at all of my friends. I am about to speak, but the candle glows brighter, telling me it's got this. Bright Sparks fly from the flame, and around those who lost their gifts. Alaska excitedly makes it snow, Illinois let out a victory hollar, and everyone seems to be happy...

But then I remember...

"Florida!" I exclaim, seeing Louis already holding him close. Florida doesn't seem to be doing well. Wisconsin tries to heal him, but the damage is too severe...

"N-no... nonononono... We...we can't lose you... no...," I cry. Florida smiles and hugs me.

"L...ove... you,.......allll... of...y-you....," Florida hisses. Me and Louis hold him in a group hug, and gently cry.... I close my eyes tight...

But after hearing a few gasps, I open them to see me and Florida glowing, and his wounds sealing up.

"NO FRICKEN WAY I GOT HEALEY SH*T TOO?!" I exclaim excitedly. Florida howls in celebration, and we share another tight hug. We look over at the candle... now that peace is restored, our home reforms right before our eyes. We stare at it in awe.

"Well sh*t Tex... you really are special, huh?" Louis said.

"Hell yeah I am,"

A few weeks later, of course we throw a party to celebrate! I mean, life is pretty awesome now!

I got my own magic room now! It looks super similar to my old library, just more fancy and expensive looking.

Now, New York can have infinite energy, while still having the ability to sleep!

Missouri on the other hand, was scared to test out his power again, but when he did...

"CONFETTI GUN?!?! OH I AM SO THE PARTY MAN NOW!!!" Missouri exclaimed.

Delaware still turns invisible, with an added bonus of being able to steal the attention of a room with ✨magic snaps✨

Other than that, everyone went back to life as usual ...

Except now, Louis and Florida aren't the state weirdos anymore!

Oh, and don't worry about their little 'romance'... Louis never said anything but I can tell Florida totally knows.

And as for me and Cali... we're taking it slow because romance is new and scary and he's too hot and ahhhh I'm dying again-

And as for confederate, I'm sure that we'll never see or hear from him again!

*meanwhile, in the prime dimension*

"Nekomi...? Is it bad that Confederate seems to be back... and also apparently has amnesia and a vendetta?" Florida asked. Nekomi had a grim expression.

"I've been expecting this... call North America,"

(Ok the end

I'm going to make two things in regards to this book

1) a spin-off just exploring the states and their powers. I will update this book when I create that spin-off and will also put a link to the book in my message board

2) a mini series within my new book 'Everyone, Everywhere, all the time... and also Pablo'. That's what the final bit of dialogue was eluding to. If you are interested in a crossover of a bunch of my books, check that book out!

Anyway, as I usually like doing when I end a book, let's do a Q&A!!

Ask any character anything (or even me!)


Thank you for reading!

Again, sorry if I made Texas to cool, like I said, HES JUST THE BEST ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!)

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