Oh no!

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The next day, me and Florida are sitting near the swamps waters in his room. Usually I'd be against sitting next to swamp water, but I'll reiterate, citrus scented crystal-clear swamp water!

"So, I talked to Cali yesterday," I say. Florida scrunches up his face as if he had just tasted something sour, and made a low hiss. "It wasn't bad at all actually! I think we might be friends now," I say.

Florida looks at me with an expression that can only say 'I don't believe that for even a second!'

"Don't be a pessimist, I think he just needs to be helped off of that pedestal he's trapped on! After all, we used to be real good friends before we joined the Union... even a bit after that! And then... y'know what happened," I say. Florida nods. We don't talk about Confederate, at least not out loud. "After that... when everything was coolin down a bit... Cali seemed like a completely different person! And I was fine with them all hating me a bit for... the thing... but I thought it would pass with time... and I'd say it did. Most states forgave and we all just went back to business... except Cali and Nueva... they just seemed to hate me for the heck of it. I realized it had less to do with war, and maybe everything to do with... me?" I say. Florida shrugs. I can tell what that was. That was a long winded way to say 'we use to be friends but not recently but maybe now?'

"Yeah... sorry... long story short, me and Cali are going for a walk in the garden today... who knows? Maybe we'll be as close as we used to!" I exclaim. Florida hissed and leaned on my shoulder. I laugh. "Don't worry, you're always going to be my favorite person in the whole universe!" I exclaim, putting him in a headlock and giving him a noogie. Florida was laughing in his own little alligator way.

Later that day, I met California in the garden. He was wearing a baggy transparent shirt (that were beautiful sunset colors) over a white tank top, which were both tucked into white jeans that faded to yellow at the bottom. On his head, were chic golden sunglasses.

"Sorry.... I don't usually dress so casual...," California said. It pains me that his idea of 'casual' is the kind of thing I'd wear if I wanted to look fancy, but at the same time he's right. He always dressed in clothes that looked expensive and extravagant, with fur coats and glittered blouses that shedded as if there was no tomorrow. Now, while still looking stylish, he also looks like he could've concocted this outfit at target. And he's totally killing it.

"I think you look great!" I exclaim. He smiles. Another thing I just noticed, when he's smiling genuinely, his eyes smile with him. But in a more literal manner. His eyes turn gold when he has a genuine smile on his face. I guess I never really paid attention to that. We begin to walk through the garden, just talking about whatever came to mind. Suddenly, we heard laughter. We looked over at the gazebo in the garden to see the other cession states.

"Hey! Let's go say hi!" I exclaim.

"U-um... I don't think that's a good idea...," California said.

"Why not? They're our friends!" I exclaim.

"Yeah but... last time I talked to Ari I called him a prick...," California said.

"I call him that all the time! That's fine," I say.

"Aaaaand I may have also told him to go f*ck a cactus," California said. I chuckle.

"May I ask why?" I ask.

"Well... we were arguing...," California said.

"Why? You two were basically brothers!" I exclaim. California sighed.

"I know... I love him to death... but New York thinks his power is useless," California said. I sigh.

"Well, since I've now just decided you two are no longer dating, you may be friends with whoever the hell you want!" I exclaim.

"But... will Ari forgive me?" California asks.

"I'm sure he will! What you said is nothin a good ole apology can't fix," I say. California looks uncertain, but follows me to the group.

"Hey Tex! Cali? What're you doing here?" Arizona asked. He didn't sound spiteful, mostly just surprised. I nod to California, confirming that I won't speak for him. California took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I'm such a jerk I just wanted to be perfect so I dated Yorkie and he deemed you guys imperfect so I started being a jerk so I would look more perfect but then I realized I just looked like a mean old idiot so please forgive me because I missed you guuuuyyyyys," California said in one breath. Nevada smiled.

"I knew dating him was a bad idea! Told you so!" Nevada exclaimed. California laughed.

"Ok, ok, Ms. Know-it-all," California said. We spend the rest of the day hanging out, but suddenly Florida ran up to us screaming. The others screamed as well, except for me.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I exclaim. Florida drags me away, and the others follow. We go inside to see Hawaii freaking out, while Alaska and Maine were trying to calm her down.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I lost my gift! I was trying to make lava so we could smelt the metal Montana found but when I went to make the lava I-I.... I couldn't! Nothing happened!" Hawaii exclaimed, before starting to cry.

"What's happening... why... Utah! Call America! This is an emergency!" Alaska exclaimed.

This is not going to end well... is it?

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