The Vision

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I'll put the power list here just in case u don't know

California- Gold:
Can turn anything into pure gold (or gold colored)

Alaska- ice:
Basically he's Elsa

Hawaii- lava:
She can make lava appear and she can turn into a volcanic rock monster

Luisiana- voodoo:
This one's pretty self explanatory

Nevada- bringer of good or bad fortune:
She can tell between good or bad decisions, and she can see your most possible fate if you go on either route. However, she  stresses that anyone can change their fate, and that a bad decision can lead to a good opportunity. She can also curse or bless people with good or bad luck for a day, but it's way too physically draining to do too often.

RI- making things small:
He can shrink himself or other things/people, and can restore them to their proper size whenever he feels like it

Kansas- wind:
He make wind go woooooo

Colorado- terraforming:
He can create mountains and valleys with his brain

Florida- alligator:
He's literally just part alligator. He is slightly scaley in some areas, has a tail, and sharp teeth. However, he is unable to speak, so he has trouble communicating. This leads the other states to assume he's stupid and insane, when he is actually rather smart and rational.

Delaware- invisibility:
Can shift in and out of visibility. His clothes turn invisible with him.

Georgia- magical empath:
She can't directly hear people's thoughts, but she knows exactly what people are feeling and why. She can also sense pain/sickness/other health related stuffs.

Michigan- hearing:
He hears gud, and also has selective hearing. He can drown out all other noise just to listen to a conversation miles away

Minnesota- duplication:
She can clone herself, however her clones don't have their own consciousness or free will, they just do what she commands them to do and they disappear after a while. She can only summon ten at once

New Mexico- dehydrates:
He can just take the moisture out of anything. Even humans. He doesn't do it to humans though, because that would be murder.

Illinois- volume control:
can make his voice either superhumanly loud or soft

North + South Carolina- fusion:
They can fuse into an ultra-strong giant. However, both of them have to agree to fuse for it to work, and if they start arguing from within the giants mind, they start to de-fuse

Alabama- x-ray vision:
He can choose to see through any surface. People sure hope he uses his powers modestly.

New York- unlimited energy:
He doesn't need sleep, and can do anything for hours and hours without loosing energy. He can also gift energy to others.

Ohio- hidden in plain sight:
RamcatSquish described it better but I forgot their description so basically he's like Waldo ok? He's there but you don't realize it, and he can do the same thing to other objects/people. Again, people sure hope he's using this power modestly

Massachusetts- fire and water resistant:
He can't drown or get burnt

Mississippi- (human) shapeshifter:
They can turn into anybody, as long as they know what they look like. However, they have to keep a picture of themselves on them at all times so they don't forget what they look like.

Iowa- projection:
He can make a ghost-projection-holographic version of his thoughts. He can do this to replay memories, scare the heck out of people, or 3D storyboard/blueprint something

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