Gator Friend

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The next day, I'm sitting in my room, bored out of my mind. I hear the party raging in the ballroom... if only my walls were soundproof. Like I said, every state has their little pocket dimension room, and their rooms are soundproof. But you only get a room if you have a gift. And so, I'm stuck in a repurposed library. I mean, it's big, and has a huge window to the courtyard, but it's hard not to get jealous when I know the room next door leads to a small desert with its own house inside. Like, c'mon! Arizona gets a house in his house?!?!

If there is a hell, and if envy is one of the seven deadly sins, I'm goin straight there.

But at least I'll be in good company, most of the states are prideful as hell.

The party still raves, so I decide to try and take my mind off it. In the corner, I have a bunch of exercising equipment, so I hit that up. I may not be magic, but if everyone here was normal like me, I'd be the most well off in the bunch. I'm just sayin, having a whole library and personal gym to yourself, and an unbridled desire to be better sure pays off. I'm no Dwayne Johnson, but everyone always calls me over when they need something to lift. I know Connecticut can just make food appear, but I make some damn good enchiladas. I know Wisconsin can just heal you with some cheese, but I learned all kinds of health, safety, and survival tips.

But it doesn't matter even a goddamn bit to the others.

Because I may be strong, but I'm not super strong

I may be a good cook, but my food doesn't heal

I may know a lot, but I don't know everything

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

"Texas?" Ohio says.

"couLD YOU NOT SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE?!" I exclaim. Ohio shrugs.

"It's what I do best! I was just wondering... y'know... since I can hide you in plain sight... would you like to join the party? Maybe just for a little bit?" Ohio asked. I wanted to say no, because what's the fun of a party if nobody realizes you're there? but on the other hand, it's also fun to have Ohio hide you in plain sight. It's annoying when Ohio does it though, but that's because he sneaks up on you. But then again, what'd you expect from Ohio?

"Alright, just to see what I'm missing out on," I say. Ohio uses his power on me, which from my perspective makes nothing happen. Which is technically true. Nothing happens to the person/object at all, it just makes it so people don't notice it, as if they're invisible. Unlike Delaware's power, which makes him completely invisible so that even he cant see himself. Me and Ohio rejoin the party.

"So... how long will I be like this?" I ask.

"It lasts 24 hours, or until you make your presence known," Ohio said.

"And I do that by getting someone's attention on purpose right?" I ask.

"Yep, so unless you shove or shout at someone, you'll be hidden in plain sight," Ohio said. I nod.

"Alright, thanks Ohio!" I exclaim, running off into the crowd. I see America hanging out with a group of states. Damn, it's been a while since I've seen him... He seems to be the only person other than Florida who doesn't see me differently than everyone else because of my lack of powers.

"So, wheres Texas? I haven't seen him!" America exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, Kentucky predicted today would go poorly if Texas was at the party," Nevada said.

"Aww, really? Damn... that sucks... maybe I'll stop by his room and say hi before I leave," America said.

"Good idea... he's been down recently... I can feel it even now...," Georgia said.

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