Locked up

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Me and Louis go to the library, and everyone looks like a ghost just burst into the room.

"Louis?" America said.

"Confederate broke out of the shadow realm and we think he's going to cause trouble," Louis exclaimed. Everyone immediately panicked, but Maine let out a hum that quelled their fears to faint worry.

"Now what?!" California exclaimed.

"I'll tell you what... I think we need to keep the southern states somewhere safe," New York said.

"Are you suggesting locking us up?!" Virginia exclaimed.

"It's for all of our safety," New York said.

"New York... that's a bit extreme," America said.

"A bit?!? I'm not gonna be treated like some criminal for no good reason-,"

"'No good reason'?!? I'm looking out for all of us! For our home! And the least you can do is cooperate!" New York exclaimed.

"Really!? So what, you want us to just hang out in our rooms until you figure out a better solution?!" Arkansas exclaims. Georgia sighed.

"Everyone is very scared. We're letting our fear turn to anger, and it will lead to more conflict. Mississippi, you have the ability to morph your room the way you want to. Maybe, for the time being, you can morph it into a home for us to stay in while everything is being figured out? Not because were criminals, but just to eliminate some potential fear for all of our sakes?" Georgia said. Mississippi sighed.

"Yeah... I'll.... I'll go prepare the room... but New York... don't start pointing fingers ok? We're all scared sh*tless, we don't need to be blaming each other for everything," Mississippi said. New York glanced at America, and then me.

"I understand... sorry," New York said. Mississippi nods and goes to prepare their room for us to stay. Florida walks up to me and hugs me.

"You scared? Don't worry... I'm sure we'll be ok," I say. Florida hisses.

"You're jinxing it," Louis told me. Florida nodded, but seemed slightly nervous about Louis's presence. That's a first. I guess Florida is scared of two things; Louis and raccoons.

Soon, we move into Mississippi's room, which they converted into a large home for us to live in, each of us with our own personalized rooms.

"Thanks Miss, this is nice," Alabama said. Florida let out a screech, and I noticed his room was a lot emptier than the rest of ours, and didn't even have a bed.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure what you wanted," Mississippi said. I was about to speak up, but Louis cut in.

"Maybe he wants a decent, livable room just like the rest of us?" Louis said. Mississippi seemed scared, and immediately a bed and nice furniture popped up in Florida's room. Florida cooed happily. Louis smiled at Florida, who rushed into his room and hugged a stuffed alligator plushy Mississippi put in there for him.

"Texas... by the way, thanks for being so good to Florida," Louisiana whispered to me.

"Of course! He's a great guy!" I exclaim. Louis nodded.

"Us state weirdos gotta look out for one another, right?" Louis said.

"That's the truth," I say.

That night, we're eating dinner together, one that I graciously prepared in the kitchen Mississippi conjured. The weird part is, since Mississippi conjured the food in their room, it has actually no nutritional value and just turns to nothing after you swallow it. So, extremely good tasting food that doesn't make you fat! It's like a dream come true! Suddenly, our front door opens. Our door has been locked from the outside, so that means someone wants to pay us a visit.

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