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The next morning, I try to stealthily steal some food without anyone noticing from the breakfast buffet Connecticut made, but of course, I bump into Oklahoma.

"Ugh... lemme guess, you had an Okie sense?" I ask. Oklahoma always knows to be at the right place at the right time.

"Actually, this time, I was just looking for you... I need to tell you something," Oklahoma said.

"Ok, ok, walk and talk, I can't be seen by the others, I'm still wallowing in my shame," I say. We begin walking to my room.

"So... you know how yesterday... you said you saw the candle fading...?" Oklahoma said.

"Yeah, New York called me useless cause of it," I say, shoving bacon in my face. Oklahoma took a deep breath.

"I got an Okie sense to go to the candle room a little while before you warned us... I... I think I was supposed to see it too... so... I believe you," Oklahoma said. I smile.

"Cool! One less person thinking I'm insane! But how will we convince the others?" I ask.

"I'm not sure... who else would know if the magic is dying?" Oklahoma asked.

"Hmm... Kentucky!! Let's ask Kentucky!" I exclaim, Before pausing. "After breakfast," I say.

After breakfast, me and Oklahoma go to Kentucky.

"Kentucky!!! Ey, Tuck, you wouldn't happen to know if tomorrow will be bad right? Like, bad bad bad, like... Mansion collapsing, candle burning out, everyone dying kind of bad," I say. Kentucky glances between us.

"Ummm.... I Guess.... I see someone having a bad day tomorrow... but... he always seems to be having a bad day...," Kentucky said.

"Really? Who?" I exclaim. Maybe if we help them... things will be okay?

"California," Kentucky said.

"Oh.... are you sure?" I ask. Kentucky nods.

"Fairly certain, if you wanna check yourself just go talk to him," Kentucky said.

"But like.... I don't... want to...,"

"Texas, I'm not trying to say our magic all relies on you talking to Cali, buuuut.... this is kinda the best lead we got," Oklahoma said. I sigh.

"Well... at least I'm not facing him alone," I say.

"About that... I'm getting an Okie sense... sooooo.... good luck," Oklahoma says.


I begrudgingly walk to Californias room. I knock on the door, and hear Californias sing-songy voice.

"Come in," he says. I sigh. Here goes nothin...

"Hey Cali...," I say, walking into his room. It's a beautiful beach, with a permanent light gold sunset, with gold hued shells decorating the golden sand. On this beach, is a beautiful beach house, all decorated in dull to sparkling gold colors. California is lounging on a beach chair sipping soda. He looks over at me, and scoffs.

"It's you...," he says.

"Yep! Man, you are real good at identifying people. Say, uh... Kentucky says you've been havin a lotta bad days recently and I was just wonderin if there was a reason... say, cracks in the mansion... the candle goin out... any of that?" I ask.

"No. Can you leave? I'm trying to relax," California said.

"Well, I mean... are you sure nothing is wrong? Y'know, you can tell me. I'm a pretty good listener," I say.

"I don't like you, why would I tell you anything?" California asked.

"You don't like me? Oh wow! I also dislike me! We have so much in common! Man, I feel like I've known you for years, in fact I have, so maybe you can tell me what's wrong?" I say. California scoffed and stood up, before pouring the rest of his soda out on me. "OK FINE I GOT THE MESSAGE YOU JERK!!" I exclaim.

"I'm the jerk?! I told you to leave, and yet you're still here! Are you incapable of following even the simplest of requests?! That's why you had to make a scene yesterday Huh?! You ruined the entire night!" California exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I just RUIN everything by trying to help! I'm sorry I ruined your perfect night and your perfect golden little decorations and your perfect little life and your perfect boyfriends perfect little party!!" I exclaim.

"God, you're insufferable!" California exclaimed.

"I'm insufferable?! You're the one with the most amazing life and beautiful gift, yet you still mope around in your room all day as if your life isn't perfect! WHY DONT YOU JUST RUN OFF AND CRY TO YOUR PERFECT BOYFRIEND YOU UNGRATEFUL PERFECT LITTLE B*TCH?!" I shout.

"BECAUSE I F*CKING HATE HIM OK?!?" California screamed. Suddenly, his room changed. The tides rose, and the soft golden sunset turned into a fiery golden blaze. He looked around in fear. "F*ck... not again...," he whimpered. The soft golds were turning sharp and vibrant, the waves washing away the delicate shells and throwing around sharp rocks. California hid his face.

"Cali...," I say, placing a hand on his arm.

"Don't you see what you've done?! I spent forever trying to keep my room perfect and now... now... it's all going up in flames again...," California said. I sigh and lead him inside the beach house.

"Talk to me, I'm listening," I say. California sighs.

"I... I don't... I don't wanna seem ungrateful it's just...," California started, obviously reluctant to say much. "I just want to be perfect, y'know? I'm the 'golden state'.... I can make things shine with just a touch... but... what does it matter...? If I turn a birdcage gold.... is it any less of a birdcage?" California said.

"I... I don't understand," I say. California sighed.

"I dazzle myself up to seem perfect... I bring others down to lift myself up higher... I'm even dating frickin' Yorkie because he's super respected and makes me look good... and... well... If this is an 'amazing life' as you put it.... I wish my life was a lot more horrible," California said. I look out at the sunset. The tides have settled, but it remains a fiery gold.

"You just seemed like your life was perfect from the moment you got your gift... and... I've grown accustomed to this 'perfect' golden shell but...." I take Californias hand. "I know the person beneath all of that is just as perfect... not because he can turn dirt into gold, and not because he's dating some a-hole gold digger... but because he's himself. A true, imperfectly perfect him... I miss you Cali, come back to us... please," I say. California tears up.

"I'm sorry Texas... I... I became a 24-karat jerk," California said. I smile.

"At least you admit it!" I exclaim. California chuckles, and we both look out at the sunset. It's bright, fiery, and gold.

And it's perfect just like that.

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