Privacy be damned

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America rushed into the room, looking very confused and concerned.

"What happened? Utah, why did you call?" America asked.

"Hawaii lost her power... we... we don't know what's happening!" Utah exclaimed. America gasped.

"The candle...," America said. He turned to me. "You said you saw the candle dimming... the mansion breaking... maybe this has something to do with it?" America asked.

"Maybe... H-how do we fix this?" I ask.

"We have to find out what's happening... America, Kentucky, and Nevada... come with me," Nueva said, leading them away. Everyone glanced nervously at each other, and silently resumed what they were doing. I looked over to the other states trying to comfort Hawaii. I wanna help, but... that's not quite my strong suit... I'll just go back to my room...


My room is a library! More specifically, Natives old library! Maybe she wrote something that will help us!

I run to my room, but suddenly I ran into someone, knocking both of us on the floor.

"Dela! What did we say about being invisible in the halls?!" I exclaim. Strangely enough, Delaware stays invisible.

"S-sorry...," Delaware said.

"Dela... are you crying?" I ask.

"You don't know that," Delaware said shakily.

"You sound like you're crying... you just ran past me didn't you...," I say. I begin running after him, trying to listen for footsteps. Luckily, Delaware accidentally knocked a freshly watered plant over, and was now tracking muddy footprints. We run past Alaska.

"AL! BLOCK THE HALLWAY!" I exclaim. Alaska shrugs and puts a barrier of ice in front of Delaware. I can tell, because Delaware runs face-first into it.

"Ughhhh....," Delaware groans, making himself visible. Ok, maybe solid ice was a bit harsh...

"C'mon, let's get you to Wisconsin," I say, helping Delaware up. We go to Wisconsin's room, which is a a lot less extravagant than the other states rooms and is a bit more homey. It's a nice big room with his bed in one corner, a hangout corner across from it, and a small infirmary on the opposite wall. Wisconsin is basically our nurse. If someone is seriously injured, they'd lay down in Wisconsin's room and eat cheese to numb the pain until we can take them to the hospital. Like I said, his cheese heals, but it isn't a cure-all. Wisconsin was just watching TV when we came in, and looked over at us and nodded.

"What'd the doctor diagnose?" Wisconsin asked.

"We didn't talk to Georgia actually, Dela just ran face-first into a wall," I say.

"Ouch, how bad is it?" Wisconsin asks.

"About a 7 on the ouch scale," Delaware said. Wisconsin nodded and summoned some Colby cheese.

"Let me know if you need anything else, if it still hurts I'll get you some cheddar," Wisconsin said. Delaware nodded and started walking away.

"Thanks Wisconsin," I say, before following Delaware.

"Dela, wait," I say, grabbing his arm. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I slammed my face into an ice wall, obviously," Delaware said.

"I mean, why were you crying earlier?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" Delaware asked.

"Uh, duh, were like, friends? Friends care about each other?" I say. Delaware stares at me for a moment, and then looks away.

"Do they though?" Delaware asked.

"Pardon?" I say.

"It's just... I feel so... I mean, not to be ironic, but I always feel so invisible... sorry... you probably don't care-,"

"Yeah, I don't care, that's why I chased after you and asked how you were feeling. C'mon, let's go to my room, it's peaceful there," I say. We go to my room, and I offer Delaware a seat.

"Ok, go ahead, tell me what's up," I say. Delaware sighs.

"I told you, I feel invisible! Even when I'm not using my power I feel forgotten about! And I know, I'm living in a house with 50 people in it, obviously I'm not gonna be the center of attention, but... I... I think...," Delaware says.

"You think...?" I urge. Delaware sighs.

"What if my power is useless and that's why nobody cares about me?" Delaware said.


"I know, it's stupid... but... everyone cares about Wisconsin because he heals people, and everyone cares about Nevada and Kentucky for their predictions, and New York is like, the unofficial leader because he's an overflowing bundle of energy who doesn't need sleep and might I add, a total control freak... and what can I do? Be invisible... that's it," Delaware said.

"Dela... Is that really the only thing you can do?" I ask.

"Well yeah, I mean, nobody here has multiple powers-,"

"Forget about powers for a moment... what can you do?" I ask. Delaware pauses.

"W-well... I love baking... b-but, it doesn't really matter... Connecticut can just make pies appear out of thin air... uh... art is fun... but... Cali's gold is more beautiful so...," Delaware said. I sigh.

"I know what it feels like to see everyone being so... great... and it makes you feel like it doesn't matter if you love to bake, because you aren't the best... or it doesn't matter if you enjoy art, because your art isn't perfect... but that shouldn't matter... you love baking, you love art, and if people give you crap for not being amazing they're missing the point... it's not about being amazing, it's about pursuing what you love, isn't it?" I say.

"I-I... I guess... I dunno... I just wished everyone was that supportive...," Delaware said. I nod.

"Yeah... I do too...but... remember... you have nothing to prove... and I know it's not much coming from me, but your power is super cool, and it's not all you are... you are so much more than just your power, and I think that's amazing. And if you don't mind, I'd love to see some of your art," I say. Delaware smiles and nods.

"Ok... I'll bring some to you," Delaware says. Suddenly, California burst into the room, kicked over a fake plant near the door, and plopped down next to Delaware with his arms crossed.

"I hate New York," California said.

"Oh dear... well Dela, sessions up, that'll be 100000000000 dollars," I say. Delaware laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll write you a check sometime soon. And uh... Cali? I can't stand York sometimes as well, good luck breaking up with him though," Delaware says.

"That's the problem, I told him we were over and you know what he said??? 'No'!!!!" California exclaimed. The three of us glanced at each other, and we couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, see you later Texas, good luck with your session Cali!" Delaware exclaimed, before turning invisible and walking away.

"...Dela, I hope you actually did leave, it's wrong to listen in to other peoples therapy sessions!" California exclaimed. "Now that I think of it... Michigan! Stop listening in!" California exclaims. We hear Delaware chuckle, and he makes himself visible and actually leaves. I smile and shake my head.

"Privacy be damned," I say.

(Btw if you are from New York I apologize for making him kinda the 'antagonist'

He'll get a redemption arc dw)

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