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"How could you leave him!?" Louis shouted, while Missouri was exasperatedly making finger guns.

"I didn't want to leave him! But there's no way the two of us could've taken Confederate on alone! He has EVERYONES powers! Or almost everyone...," I say.

"But... I... goddammit I can't argue with that," Louis said, before sitting down next to Missouri and putting his head in his hands. Missouri pat him on the back, and then smiled contently.

"I can touch people without fearing accidentally hurting them!" Missouri exclaimed happily. Louis sighed.

"I still haven't told anyone the vision... I need to tell them I just... I don't want you getting turned into the villain!" Louis exclaimed.

"It's fine... I can manage... I'll tell them ok? I'll text everyone and let them know we need them in the dining hall this morning," I say. We go back to bed, and that morning, I'm holding my megaphone, standing on the stage. Everyone looks frightened, and justifiably so. America even joined us today, also looking uncertain, clutching tightly onto the dwindling candle

"Everyone... I need your attention... Louis, using a crystal ball, had a vision... this prophecy is unfortunately coming true... it included everyone losing their gift... the candle being stolen... our home crumbling... and..." I pause, feeling the slightest bit nervous. "And me,"

"Why?!" I heard someone exclaim.

"I... I'm not sure... but listen... I know where the powers went....and you're not gonna like this...," I say. Everyone seemed completely devoid of hope. "Confederate somehow stole them,"

This was followed by a lot of shouting and terror.

"Everyone! We need to stop him! It won't be easy... it'll be very f*ckin hard actually, because not only does he have almost everyone's power, he... he kidnapped Florida," I say. Most people seemed more concerned by this than upset and mourning over their fellow state, but I could recognize the anger and fear in Louis's eyes.

"But how do we beat him?" California asked.


"You won't," we hear a voice say.


Confederate emerges from the shadow behind me, and Florida shakily follows him, tears in his eyes. I back up... but then I remember Confederates locket...

Something bright flew from Missouri and to Confederates locket... that must mean that the locket is what holds everyone's power...

I run up to confederate and wrestle him to the ground. He obviously didn't expect that one. I try to tear the locket off of him, but suddenly Florida tears me away and bites into my arm.

"Florida! Stop!" I scream, yet I realize he has no control over his actions. Louis runs up to us and grabs Florida away from me, hugging him close. Florida is screaming in agony... he obviously doesn't want to hurt us, but he's still mercilessly clawing at Louis. I get up, the adrenaline rush distracting me from my bleeding forearm. Apparently, while I was occupied, Confederate took the candle and knocked America unconscious.

I try to run up and attack Confederate again, but he's ready for me this time. He duplicates himself and surrounds me, grabbing onto my arms and keeping me from moving.

"It's a shame... we could've been a great team... oh well...," Confederate says, pointing his middle and pointer finger at my head. I take a deep breath...

And using my free leg I kick him in the groin.

His clones disappear, and I rip the locket from his neck and I open it...

However, Once I do, confederate grabs the chain...

Glowing magical energy flies from the open locket and...

I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting to happen, but my expectations were more 'everyone's powers return to their rightful owner and we take Confederate down together in an epic fighting montage'

I didn't expect all of the magic to circle me and confederate, and evenly divide between the two of us.

Uh... whoops...?

Once the spectacle is over, me and confederate glance at each other. The mansion begins to crumble around us. He glares at me, but also snickers.

"Looks like it's a fair fight... I'll be back, Texas... and next time, I won't go easy on you...,"

And just like that, he disappears into the shadows...

And I'm awkwardly standing there, holding the open locket, and accidentally freezing the crumbling stage under me while turning the locket gold...

Yeah... whoops....

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