Just Freaks

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Lucas had cleared out two rooms for Amaryllis and Ijekiel, along with giving the vigilante a charm to hide her appearance.

"What's this for?" Amaryllis had asked curiously.

Lucas snorted. "A dragon. What's it look like?"

Amaryllis frowned. "A.. dragon..?"

"No! Do you not know what sarcasm is?" Lucas frowned. "It's a charm to hide your appearance. I'm assuming the vigilante getup isn't comfy."

"Oh." Amaryllis blinked. "Thanks."

"No problem. I assumed you wanted to keep your identity a, uh, secret."

Amaryllis nodded, placing the charm on her wrist.

The charm changed her appearance, making her hair a light shade of pink and her eyes a normal shade of blue, instead of crystal. It also changed the pitch of her voice a little bit, disguising her effectively.

Currently, Athanasia was in one of the rooms in the Black Tower, sitting on the floor. There were a lot of safety precautions placed on the tower, Lucas reinforcing the security.

However, because of Lucas layering the Black Tower with so many protection spells, Amaryllis and Ijekiel (and by extension, Athanasia) aren't allowed to leave in order to not disturb the magic before all the spells are added.

Meaning Athanasia isn't allowed to go home.


The one who convinced Claude to let Athanasia into the Emerald Palace.


The one who was genuinely excited to get to know the seemingly stoic Athanasia.


The one who patches up Athanasia's wounds, without questioning where they came from.

How was Jennette faring?

Athanasia originally planned to grab Ijekiel out of the Alpheus Household, place him in front of the Emerald Palace, and then leave. Maybe do a meet-and-greet in her civilian clothes.

Well- does it count as civilian, if she's royalty?

Athanasia doesn't know.

Speaking of which.

Jennette claims to be Athanasia's sister, ignoring the fact they look nothing alike.

At first, Athanasia simply assumed that she received father's genetics, and Jennette received their mothers.

But no, upon closer examination, Claude had a different shade of blonde compared to Athanasia.

And their mother, Penelope, supposedly had brown hair.

Jennette makes sense. Athanasia does not.

Due to his, 'I'm a shining solo' attitude, Athanasia severely doubts the possibility of Claude cheating.

So why?

Athanasia's thought process was interrupted by a knock on her door. "Come in."

Lucas walked in. "Yo."

"Hello. Did you need something?"

The magician strutted in and plopped down onto the bed Athanasia was using. "Finished the reinforcements. I was wondering if I could enchant some of your items, to make them hold up better and more prepared."

"Prepared?" Athanasia tilted her head in confusion.

Lucas sighed. "I have a feeling we're gonna be encountering that black magic man again. I wanna make sure you can keep fighting without it phasing you."

"Oh, okay." Athanasia stood and grabbed her cloak off of the night stand it was on. "It's magic proof though, hope it won't affect any spells."

"It won't, since it's made to reflect harmful and potentially dangerous spells." Lucas reassured Athanasia, before grinning. "Besides, my magic's too great to ever fail."

Athanasia simply nodded with a sigh, thinking that Lucas would leave after receiving the cloak.

Nope, he sat down on the floor next to Athanasia and started enchanting it.

The princess blinked, before coughing into her hands. Lucas glanced up, unbothered.

"Shouldn't you do this somewhere more private?"

Lucas blinked, his gaze questioning. "With any other type of magic, yes, it would be recommended to do this in private. However since this cloak belongs to you, it's better if I'm closer to you."

"Oh." Athanasia hummed, turning her attention somewhere else.

It was a bit..

Calming? Not dangerous?

...peaceful. That's the word Athanasia landed on. Even though she was in a room with a man that could very much kill Athanasia if she so much as says something wrong, she feels at ease.

For now? Athanasia was at peace.


Jennette is very much not at peace.

Both her sister and pseudo-brother figure were missing. Two of the people she looked up too.

Don't get her wrong, she loved Father, but Jennette doesn't really look up to the guy who slept on his couch in flashy clothes.

So, Jennette kneeled down. Looking up at the sky, Jennette closed her eyes and grasped her hands.


Please, whoever's out there. Jennette begged. Make sure my siblings are safe. Have them return to me unharmed.

To whatever Goddess, God, or Goddex was watching. Jennette was calling out to whoever she could.


Ijekiel missed Jennette.

That wasn't new, he always misses Jennette.

Ever since she moved out of the Alpheus Manor, Ijekiel had been lonely. Father started avoiding Ijekiel, even skipping meals to do so. He always blamed it on work.

(He could just admit he hates his son. No matter how he tries to deny it.)

Ijekiel so badly wanted to pretend he was oblivious to the abuse, but he wasn't. He was constantly surrounded by people, to increase his reputation.

He knew what a healthy relationship was like.

All the other boys talking about how their fathers, while busy, always made time for them and genuinely cared for them.

Ijekiel frowned. He wanted to run away for a short period of time, packed his bags and everything.

But he had no where to go.

If he did run away, no one would take him in. He couldn't go to Jennette, she was enjoying the life Ijekiel couldn't provide for her.

For a while, he wanted to disappear.

He wasn't able to fulfill a role.

Not for father, not for Jennette.

He almost lost it.

But now, hopefully Amaryllis and Lucas would make it better.

Maybe, Ijekiel could go home to his family.

Author's Note : My hands hurt. Ijekiel was originally supposed to be stressed out of his mind and ask Athy if he could braid her hair since he used to braid Jennette's whenever he was stressed but then I went "wait this is supposed to be Lucathy"

so ye

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