Like you, and me

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Athanasia was following Lucas around, assisting him.

At first, Lucas simply believed that they would most likely fight black magic man again. Now? He was determined to fight him.

She isn't sure what changed, just knew that it did.

So Athanasia was scrambling around, grabbing any ingredients Lucas requested.

"Grab that jar, on the shelf!"

"See that gross looking eye? I need that."

"Don't touch that! It's delicate!"

The vigilante could probably compare Lucas to a mad scientist, creating his newest concoction. The jar contained a glowing substance, light magic. Or, just really pure magic in general. It was fairly low, so Lucas was being careful with it. Conserving whenever he could.

The eye was so that Athanasia, Lucas, and anyone else who consumed the potion could see through the glamour (or illusion) that mystery man had created for himself. It sounded gross, but Lucas said that he'd try flavoring the potion for Athanasia.

For the last remark, it was Athanasia exploring the little potions area she and Lucas were in. Lucas was keeping an eye on her, whilst mixing and occasionally needing an item of some sorts. She was about to reach for a glass looking substance, which Lucas immediately screeched out not to touch.

It was a pre-brewed potion, a potion of invisibility. Lucas had apparently made it years prior though, so he wasn't sure if it was good or not.

Athanasia had no clue potions had expiration dates. But eh.

But then, Athanasia blinked. Assuming her 'Amaryllis' persona, she turned to Lucas.

"Hey, this guy is really powerful, right?"


"Can I get someone for backup? Just in case."

Lucas paused, considering her words. "Fine."

Athanasia smiled. "Good. I'll be back soon."


Everything was going perfectly.

Sir Alpheus was kissing his feet at this point.

The man in question smiled, it was quite obviously strained.

"Do you need anything, Anastacius?" 

Anastacius simply smiled in reply, taking on a lighter, sweeter tone. "No, love."

There were a couple of facts that Anastacius knew for certain.

One, Jennette de Alger Obelia was his daughter.

Born through spite and hatred. Yet from the way Roger gushes on about her whenever he can, it seems Jennette didn't turn out that way.

(A small part of Anastacius is relieved. That was overshadowed by a looming hatred, though.)

Two, whoever that girl was- Amaryllis, he's pretty sure- would be a nuisance.

(She's just a kid. Just like Claude once was.)

Three, Roger is at Anastacius's beck and call.

(Roger was manipulated, and tricked into thinking the rare affection Anastacius gives is love.)

And finally, number four. He ran the 'Choking Spider'.

A gang, who trafficked children and stole their strength. Their mana.

(A part of Anastacius misses being the kind, older being. The one who other's look up too, not out of fear, but respect.)

(He lost that the moment he tampered with Penelope's body. To create Jennette.)

Roger sighed, snapping Anastacius out of his little daydream. "Is something wrong?"

"I miss my son."


It was no secret to Anastacius that Roger had a son. He had a picture of him in his office.


Ijekiel Alpheus. How could Anastacius not know him?

"Mhm.." Roger frowned, obviously pouting. "I've never really been able to spend time with him, I was always busy."

Anastacius scowled, before replacing it with a (fake) empathetic smile. "It's alright, dear. At least you have me?"

"Yeah.. at least." Roger mumbled. Anastacius smiled, opening up his arms for a hug.

Embracing Anastacius, Roger was still visibly upset. Anastacius frowned, murmuring a spell.

Anastacius did this often. Roger would get upset, Anastacius would cast a spell on him, and then Roger would feel better.

To be fair, most of the time the 'spell' was black magic. Anastacius was aware that this would be unhealthy in the long run (like Penelope, his mind supplied) but he doesn't care at this point.

That's a lie, he does care actually. It's Aeternitas who doesn't care.

The name meant eternity, which was pretty damn fitting.

Anastacius was forced to the back of his own mind, watching as Aeternitas took the reigns from his own horse and ran off with it.

Aeternitas, just like Penelope, had a goal. And he was going to use Anastacius's body to accomplish that goal.

And Anastacius so desperately wanted it to stop. To be able to laugh genuinely, smile, see his little brother again.

But it was power he sought.

And power he received.

'Anastacius' remained silent, a grin on his face.


Her father was getting worse.

That's what Jennette had noticed.

He had minor headaches at times, but now he'd have random coughing fits. Not to mention the ungodly sleep schedule he's currently maintaining.

And despite all that, Claude is still searching for Athanasia, and still doing his kingly activities.

Claude can deny it all he wants, Jennette sees the care in his eyes. The worry, concern. 

While it's true Claude only brought Athanasia to the Emerald Palace after Jennette had asked (she had begged), it was obvious that Claude had some sort of a soft spot for Athanasia.

Back when Jennette pulled Athanasia away from studying and to a tea party, Jennette was ecstatic.

Athanasia had seemed so happy, relaxed even, in Jennette's presence.

And then Claude arrived, and that happy illusion was shattered.

The princess immediately blanched (not that she realized) and resumed her normal behavior, the equivalent on walking on nail, broken glass, and eggshells.

Athanasia had fled as soon as she could, ignoring Jennette's attempt to call her back.

Claude awkwardly shifted around in his seat, uncomfortable with his daughter's mood. But then, he cleared his throat and asked something peculiar.

"How can I get along with Athanasia?"

Jennette had advised him to spend more time with her. Not be abrupt, like he usually is.

The crown princess was forced out of her thoughts when a 'thump' was heard at her window. Snapping towards the sound, Jennette gasped.

To anybody else, this would be Amaryllis. The new night-time hero, the one that saved countless lives.

Jennette hasn't met Amaryllis personally. So she never knew what she looked like.

But a cape, fancy attire, and a cloth covering her eyes?


The nickname slipped out of Jennette's mouth, tears pricking at her eyes.

Amaryllis- Athanasia? The girl in question simply smiled, waving her hand.

"Hello, Jettie."

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