Chapter 1: I do what I want

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Chapter 1: I do what I want 

I woke up to the wonderful sound of my mother calling me pleasantly.. And what I really mean is that I awakened this fine EARLY Saturday morning due to my mother screaming at me.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stared at my mother not processing a thing she was saying. I glanced to the clock and noticed it was 7:45. On a Saturday. A freaking Saturday. She's crazy, right? Like oh. my. god.

"Mom, whatever you're ranting about can it please wait?" I sighed annoyed. My mothers perfectly manicured finger nails tapped rather annoyingly on my desk, but stopped as soon as she heard what had left my mouth.

"Excuse me, but who do you think you are talking to like that?" She gave me a cold glare and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, just tired." I muttered and she sighed.

"Have you been studying?" She arched a nicely waxed eyebrow. I sighed, "Yes mother, when don't I?" I mumbled the last part and she blew out a breath. "You know, Lani, I'm just doing whats best for you." She sighed and as I cringed.

My lips were lined out as I replied, "That's not my name." She was about to say something before I cut her off not wanting to fight so early in the morning. "I have to shower and get ready." I got up abruptly watching my mother glance at me disapprovingly for wearing a tank top and booty shorts instead of my silk night gown; gag me now.

"I'm leaving for business I'll be back soon and as for your father it's the same." My mother called out and I knew by soon she meant a week or so. "He's not my father." She turned around surprisingly fast and I sighed as she huffed and walked away.

I shrugged it off and walked into my huge bathroom that wasn't needed for a 17 year old. As I showered and excited my room I put on a new tank top and a different pair of shorts. No mother; no insults or glares. Even if she was here I wouldn't care it's hot and I do what I want.

Wow how cliche, right?

Throughout my very and extremely productive Saturday I was interrupted as a loud banging sound came from outside. And being the nice and caring neighbor I am decided to check it out.

Okay, I'm totally lying. I was doing nothing all day as I laid upside down on my couch and oh so gracefully landed on my head as the banging noise occurred. And as far as being caring I couldn't give a donkey about my neighbors.

So uptight and needy.

So I was nosy and peeked out the large bay window resting in my over sized 'family den'. I scoffed at the ironic name. There was a moving truck and people moving stuff into my house next door.

There was a middle aged woman directing the workers and picking up a few boxes I sighed as my mind drifted back to the house I spent so much time in before. I refused to let my thoughts haunt me again so I shook my head walking away and jogging up the long flights of stairs once at the top, I toppled over taking in deep breaths. Time to start working out again.. Awe, who am I kidding. I do not exercise. I should though, but I don't.. Obviously.

I swung my bedroom door opened and walked to my speakers and played some music. My music consisted of things my mom would kill me for if she heard. I smiled as the familiar words of The All American Rejects floated through my room.

I picked up a little by throwing and putting away clothes. However I spent more time throwing clothes into the dirty hamper than putting them away.. Oh well. After I finished I glanced at the time to reveal it was 6:30. I sat in the middle of my floor staring to the left of me out the window and at the big oak tree that lingered there.

It had a rope hanging and a piece of wood tied to it making a ghetto swing. When I was younger I decorated it with flowers as I twirled it around the rope. I smiled at the memory and then a scowl entered my face as I thought about him.

He whom shall not be named. He's a touchy subject for me. As my thoughts drifted to non pleasant memories I forced myself up and over to my bed.

I hoisted myself up and started to jump up and down as I sung loudly to my music. As the clock changed time I realized it was almost 11 and I could still hear the commotion the new neighbors were making. I didn't mind that much though.

It gave me reassurance. Reassurance that I wasn't alone. There was a light that flickered on and illuminated my room as it turned on allowing me the knowledge that there was someone in the room across from mine. I knew there was one, because it was his room..

I arched my back and kicked my legs up in an attempt to get up, when that failed I rolled over and off my bed- literally. I landed on the floor rather harshly and I cried out in pain as a muffled laugh rang through my room. I rubbed at my knee as I grumbled a, "Shut up." To whomever was laughing then it hit me that I was all alone.

In my house. ALONE.

What if it was a psycho killer trying to kill me but witnessed my failure and decided against it. Oh, what? Am I not good enough for a murder? Huh?!? Wait... That's a good thing. What the heck am I even doing with my life? You see what happens when you're always left alone.

I shook my head at my own thoughts before pulling myself up with the help of the bars on my headboard. That's what I kicked on the way down too, by the way. In case you were wondering.

Maybe not either or.

I finally got up and walked over to my music changing the song to a different one. Turning on the next song which was, 'Move Along' I started to dance to it but as I turned around I found an... Onlooker? So to say and boy was he fine. He smirked at me and I smiled as I waved and continued to dance to the song. Hey, it was my song! I was not going to stop because there was a hot guy staring at me.

I do what I want. Bahahha.

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