When Worlds Collide.

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A planet never heard of is found on a radar, travel in space is easy for those of the planet Geyr. So if course travel is established.

But what they found or rediscovered, was Earth, one of the first developed planets, and with that, they took over the galaxy, their punishment for the wars started and lives lost? To start over, and have no contact with other planets.

Many are scared after the discovery as humans are making headway in science again, but some are not.
Ruli, who lived on a now-dead planet that was killed at the hands of the Gey, well she knows better than anyone tha there just as bad.

Now her only way of survival is hiding. What happens when she falls for the person who takes in the crew of the ship sent to Earth? Well, let's just say hiding isn't an option she wants anymore.

A lot of weird things have happened, but it's about to get weirder when aliens, other planets, and overthrowing an entire space government is introduced into the mix for Ruli one of the last ten survivors of Fitor.

A/N- If needed check out the Glossary because I know throwing information at people makes it hard to understand. It's right after this And it's in alphabetical order.

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