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A/N: This is an extremely long chapter that I've had written for ages and I most likely should have split it into two chapters but I decided to leave it as one. Urgh I don't want to go back to school tomorrow! 

A creak in the wood behind Sarah signaled the entrance of the Death Eaters. Her protection shield kept the magical spells at bay and, when the Death Eaters realized that, they resorted to physical force. 

"Are you just going to stand there?" Sarah questioned in casual tone as if she was inviting them to take a seat, and then counted the seconds.

Moving quickly, she turned, and bashed the hot frying pan into the mans head. Rolling she ducked a curse from his partner and then flipped over her kitchen table to use as a shield. Not having her wand and not wanting to create any form of magic, for fear of Jareth finding her, she picked up the table and rammed it into the second Death Eater until she heard a loud crack.

Sarah paused to look at her handiwork and gathered her thoughts when the door swung open. Before she could move a spell hit her squarely in the chest, she was knocked through the wall, and into the apartment's small bathroom. But it was not a wizarding spell.

Sarah rolled to the right and leaped to her feet as she dodged another one of the Fae man's attacks and punched him with her left hand. The man grabbed her and bashed her head against her sink, breaking the porcelain. She twisted out of his grip and hit the back of his knee making him fall to the ground. She punched him in the throat and then runs into the bedroom. When he kicked the door open Sarah was no where to be seen.

Balancing above the door way Sarah lightly hit the ground and then kicked his back, breaking his spine and temporarily disabling him.

Fae heal fast.

Sarah ran back into the bathroom, this time by using the door, and turned on the tub. The Fae came behind her but when he rushed toward her, Sarah stood to the side and grabbed him, using his momentum against him. 

Pining his arms behind his back she forced his head under water, her knee was pressed against his-still healing-spinal injury. After he had almost drowned she raised his head.

"Who are you? No screw that who do you work for?" She demanded with a snarl and, when he remained silent, she hit his head against the tub, and then held it under the water once more. After about twelve times of this shit, he finally answered.

"I am...nobody...who are you? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us-don't tell! They'd banish us, you know. How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog. To tell your name the live long day, To an admiring bog!" The man gasped out and Sarah was overcome with the sensation that her life had just become much shorter than it once was. The Fae were immortal, but that did not mean that they did not feel fear.

Sarah held him underwater until his body went limp and she was certain he was not faking in order for her to let him go. That had happened once and, when the suddenly revived being attacked-well, to say the least, she still had the scar. 

Sarah was unsteady on her feet as she stood to look over the immobile being. She stumbled back to the kitchen, grabbed a reasonable size knife, and when she heard footsteps she fell into the closet where she had placed a few minor spells of protection. It was always best to have a small room, or closet, where one could hide with a knife. 

She could hear the Fae on the other side of the door, but she could not focus; her head hurt so much. It was a constant pounding against her skull, no longer a dull thrumb, and she placed her head on her knees. If only it would stop, then she could kill these bastards, and get on with her life. 

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