XXX. Fallen Hero

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9th March, 01:00PM
Ancient Library of Wonders

Jack didn't have time to bring up the kiss. Unfortunately, Agatha had waved at him over her shoulder quickly before being led to a different part of the library. He didn't bother looking for her, as much as he wanted to, only the moon knew what other critters and vicious and poisonous spiders laid in waiting, praying on his ankles - maybe he should seriously consider investing in shoes.

''Jack!'' His head shot up instantly, so excited at the sound of her voice that he accidentally began to fly, knocking his chair backwards and hovering just above the table in anticipation. Agatha had a broad smile on her face, waving a book over her head as she came running back to him. ''I think I've found it.''

''Found what? Where were you?'' He landed, clearing his throat as he tried to pick the chair up as quickly as possible, maybe then she wouldn't notice he had knocked it over in the first place.

Agatha shook her head, having to catch her breath. ''Pitch, he's not - he's, Jack, he's still the original Pitch Black, the same one as from the very beginning.''

''Okay, so are you, aren't you?''

Agatha shook her head, ''No, that's the thing, there was another one before me, I have some of their books and trinkets left over, I never really used them until I brought Sandy back - I didn't even know some of the stuff there was possible!''

''Wait, you went back? How'd you leave this place?''

''It's the Library, it's magical and is connected to all forests around the world, it freaked me out a little, I only ever go to the forest when the trees are typically 'dead', but I learned some valuable things there.''

''Like what?''

''The last Grim Reaper was a girl too!'' She clenched her book tighter, bringing it to her chest as she leant forwards to him, the same ridiculous grin on her face and despite not knowing what was going on, Jack found himself replicating it.

He nodded excitedly, rising a few feet in the air - which was all he could really do, the library's protection granting him that much at least - and was leaning towards her too, hovering slightly above. ''What makes that so that important?'' He whispered in a loud, excited hushed tone.


Agatha bounced on the balls of her feet before spinning and slamming it down on the table, flicking through the pages frantically.

Jack, still hovering, moved so he was laid down a few centimetres above her, looking over her head at the book so he could see too. Whilst she was going too quick for him to read any of the pages, he managed to register the pictures, and they were... something else. Swirls of dark mist and faces concealed within them. ''Do you remember, it has to be so long ago now, but when we first realised I didn't have my memories, Pitch vanished in a cloud of mist? The same cloud of mist I disappear in?''

''Yeah, we kinda brushed passed that though, it didn't seem as important as you.''

Agatha blushed slightly, thankful for him not being able to see her face as she angled it downwards a little more, just in case. ''Oh, well, thank you. But about this mist, it turns out the last Grim Reaper manipulated it too, as I expected, but I found that I'm only the second to have this role. The one before me was the original, although she was a lot better at sticking to the shadows than I was. Only a few centuries into my new position, did Pitch somehow spread the news of my existence amongst the mortals.''

''So no one believed in you until then? Or in her? How come you didn't vanish into nothing?''

''Death is a physical thing, I only help control it. It would exist with or without me. It's how I knew I could bring Sandy back - something at the back of my mind telling me I could - whilst I, uh, never had that when Cupid died.''

''What, so love isn't physical?''

''Love is metaphorical, and a feeling, it's apart of dreams; connected and intertwined. There's already another Cupid out there somewhere, I helped choose them, so even if I do realise I can bring him back, it'll be too late.''

Jack decided to change the subject before she thought about her friend for too long. ''And what's this got to do with the previous, the first, Grim Reaper?''

''She's his daughter.''

There was a long pause.


''Shh!'' Agatha span so she could look upwards, hands flying to his mouth. ''This is a library!'' She sent an apologetic look to the toad in the tuxedo, sat a few tables away from them. He huffed and waved her off before flicking his page.

''He has kids!'' He whispered through her hands.

''Yes!'' She said, hands moving to the sides of his face in excitement. ''Pitch was a hero of the golden age. He actually led the golden armies into a battle against the fearlings - and then offered to guard their prison.'' She frowned and turned around, flickering the page to reveal one of the scariest drawings Jack had ever seen. He swore it moved, claws of mist curling at the pages as if trying to come out. ''Unfortunately, they sensed his weakness: his daughter. They used their ability to mimic her voice and convince him that she was in there with them; screaming for help.''

Jack lowered himself, head lining up with Agatha's as his hands went to rest on the table, holding himself up as his feet hit the ground. Her breath hitched slightly. ''So, he rushes in to save her, and then they possess him.'' His finger moved to trace the drawing. ''And then he becomes Pitch Black, the destructor of the Golden Age and the Nightmare King.''

She hummed, snapping herself out of it. Now was not the time. ''Yes, exactly. Thing is, there's no account, ever, of him being un-possessed. I think he's still in there somewhere, all we have to do it bring him out.''


Agatha shook her head sadly, shoulder slackening. ''That's the thing, there's no account of that either. Once possessed, no one's ever come back.''

Jack lent back, hands clamping on her shoulders. ''Well, if anyone can figure it out, Ags, it'll be you.''

''I think you mean us.'' She smiled, standing up as her hand met his on her shoulder, fingers intertwining lazily as she tilted her head to the side nervously.

Jack cleared his throat, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Why was he so pale? It would only stand out more on his skin. ''Right,'' he said. He smiled, moving their hands to hand in between them. ''Uh, we need to get out of  her.'' He gulped, avoiding her white eyes as he began to look around. ''So, where's this spider?''

''You called?''

Jack screeched.

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