Calamity Trio x Fem!Reader (Gang AU) Part 1

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Underaged Smoking

Hello everyone! This isn't a continuation of the previous Calamity Trio x Fem!Reader!

I'm sorry if that's what you were hoping for! But trust me! This one is good!!!

You're all probably 16 here and you all haven't discovered the music box!

This'll be longer than my usual ones and this'll have a part 2/?

So for this to make sense I shall eggsplain.

You're brother Zack Ken Kaida (More known as Ken or Kenny)

(I found the name Zack Ken really cool so we're keeping it XD. Your last name is Kaida btw pronounced Ka-ee-dah)

Is the President of a powerful gang which he joined once he came of age. Your Father used to be the President but he is now the CEO.

The CEO used to be your grandfather who passed away from natural causes.

Your brother asked you to join the gang which has been passed down through your family for years with each generation.

He needed a second in command who he could trust to protect him, and he chose you.

His bestfriend used to be the Vice-President but he recently died due to an assassination.

Till this day Ken still hasn't been able to find who killed his bestfriend Colt.

The Gang's name is Hydra. It is called Hydra because there are 9 high ranks, so kind of like a 9 headed Hydra thing goin on.

Here are the rankings.

CEO: Your Dad

President: Zack Ken Kaida
Vice-President: Y/N Kaida

First Squad Captain: Klyde
First Vice-Captain: Mariano

Klyde is your cousin and Mariano is his best bud.

Second Squad Captain: Ichiro
Second Squad Vice-Captain: Jiro

Ichiro and Jiro are twin brothers. Their Great-Grandparents used to be in this gang as well and from then on their family has been involved.

Third Squad Captain: Kim
Third Squad Vice-Captain: Hans

Kim's Great-Grandparents used to be in the Hydra Gang as well. He decided to follow in their footsteps.

Hans is Kim's bestfriend.

You can't just join the gang, you have to be recommended or connected somehow.

You're taller by quite a bit and fitter than the Calamity Trio cause of all the training you do.

Marcy is 5'4 Anne and Sasha are 5'5 and you my good friend are 5'6 or more if you'd like.

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