Marcy Wu x Fem!Reader (Part 2)

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The whole day you have been avoiding Marcy since you felt guilty for suddenly yelling at her like that when you shouldn't have.

You were eating at a lunch table with Sasha and Anne... till you see Marcy at the cafeteria looking around...

You make a run for it!

Sasha: Pfftt- She can't avoid Marcy forever.

Anne: She definitely can't. 'Anne said in a serious look and tone.'

Marcy approached the table and sat down.

You were hiding behind the cafeteria doors since the table was near the doors.

Marcy: Hey Sash, Anne? Have you guys seen Y/N around?

Anne and Sasha: Nope, why?

Marcy: I haven't seen her all day... And also you guys are very obviously lying, her tray is right there. 'Marcy points.'

Anne: Whaaattttttt..? Nooooooo.... That's not Y/N's......

Marcy: Then whose is it?

Anne: Ehrmmmm.... Okay fine!! Yes that's Y/N's..

Marcy: *Deep sigh* Atleast I know she didn't skip school..... cause of me..

Anne: What happened anyways?

Marcy: Well... I kinda made her mad..

Anne and Sasha: WHAT??!!

Anne and Sasha: YOU MADE HER MAD?? HOW??

Marcy: I don't know!!!

Anne: Impossible.... I've never seen Y/N get mad at anyone unless it was mega serious

Sasha: Yeah! She's usually chill and always composed!

Marcy just felt more guilty and sad.

Anne and Sasha looked at each other with worried looks.

Anne: He- Hey! It's okay Mar-Mar! We'll help you! Right Sasha. 'Anne shoots a glare at Sasha.'

Sasha chokes on water.

Sasha: *cough u..uhm y..yeah! Mar-Mar! We'll help you *cough* *cough*

Marcy: Thanks guys....

It's the end of Lunch and everyone is headed for class.

Your class now was Math..... Great....

You peak a little inside the classroom, and Marcy was already there, class hasn't started because the teacher was going to be a little late.

There weren't much students, about 2 were inside

You go in and sit down in your seat.

There was a very loud silence in the room, until Marcy broke it.

Marcy: H..heeyy... Y/N...

Y/N: Hey Marcy. 'you reply in a monotone voice with no emotion shown... you didn't even bother to look at her when you responded.'

Marcy: ....

Marcy: Look I'm sorry okay??

Y/N: Sorry for what. 'Again in a monotone voice not even looking at her.'

Marcy: For ignoring your questions.... and for hurting your feelings.

Y/N looks at Marcy with a blank face.

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