Marcy Wu x Fem!Reader (Present)

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Merry Christmas!

Mr. and Mrs. Wu here are gonna act like Odalia and Alador from The Owl House.

Also! You're 5'6 here (Yeah you're tall as fuck, it's in the genes) and Marcy is 5'4 or you can just pretend you're your height.


Marcy and Y/N have been dating for a while, and lately Y/N has been getting warnings from an unknown person to break up with Marcy or to stay away from her.

Y/N was walking to her locker after class with Marcy by her side.

Marcy: You're looking beautiful as ever Y/N~ 'Marcy cooes'

Y/N: Awe~ you're so sweet, you're looking very pransome today as
well~ <3

(Pransome - Pretty/Handsome)

Y/N reached her locker and opened it to find another letter.

She takes it begrudgingly and she opens it to read what was written in the letter, she knew what was gonna be on it but she still decided to read it.

Y/N read "This is the 6th time I'm asking you to stay away from Marcy, break up with her before this gets ugly."

Y/N sighed heavily this ruined her mood completely.

Marcy: Hey, what's wrong??

Marcy looked at what was in Y/N's hands and she noticed it was another one of those damned letters

Marcy snatched it from Y/N's hand, read it quickly before she crumpled it up and threw it in the nearest trash can.

Marcy: Ugh! Who keeps sending you these??! Once I find out I'm gonna!-

Y/N: I-It's fine Marcy, you shouldn't worry about it too much..

Marcy: It's normal for me to be worried about this thing! Someone keeps meddling with our relationship! I'm worried about how this affects you Y/N!

Y/N: I'll be fine Marbles, thanks for worrying pumpkin..

Y/N gives Marcy a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Marcy: Don't worry babe, I'm gonna find out who keeps sending you these and Me, Anne and Sasha will beat them to a pulp!

Y/N: I'd prefer if you didn't do that, since you'd get not only you, but Anne and Sasha in trouble! 'Y/N chuckles.'

Marcy smiled softly.

Marcy: That's what I needed to see, I need to see you smiling all the time or I won't be able to function properly for the rest of my days.

Y/N became flushed as she smiled softly, with hearts in her eyes at Marcy.

Y/N: That might be the most romantic thing you've ever told me. <3

Marcy: Don't worry, it won't be the last~

Y/N gave Marcy a quick peck on the cheek before she had to leave.

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