Marcy Wu x Fem!Reader

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This is a request by a reader.

Now for this one! I know this won't make sense if I connect it to my Sashanne story so this'll be another AU of the Sashanne story... I hope you get it...

So basically Anne and Sasha will be dating and the whole lunch thing happened and Y/N exists in this universe.

Y/N is the one who visits Marcy the most unlike the other universe where it's Anne who visits Marcy the most.

So this is kinda like a part 3 to the Sashanne except it's focused on Marcy and Y/N.

Y/N has supportive parents and they accept the LGBTQ+ community.
They are aware of Y/N's crush on Marcy (Y/N knows that they know)

Y/N still went to school but spent most of her after school and days in the hospital.

Every Saturday and Sunday, Y/N would be there for hours talking to Marcy who is still in a coma.

Y/N slowly reaches insanity but was saved when Marcy finally woke up.

It was a normal day for Y/N in school.

Y/N knew she wasn't doing well in school as much as she did before, and that's only because she doesn't have Marcy, both as a study buddy and as motivation to keep up with her studies.

Y/N was there in the hallways in front of her locker when she noticed Anne and Sasha coming her way.

Y/N noticed that they were holding hands and Y/N smirked.

Y/N: Hey guys, how have you two been?

Anne: Pretty good.

Sasha: I couldn't agree more. 'Sasha looks at Anne with a smile.'

Y/N: So you two finally decided to date huh?

Sasha: Yep, and I'm very happy about it. 'Sasha looks at Anne.'

Anne blushes with a smile.

Y/N: Yeah.. you two are... really.. lucky.. 'Y/N frowned.'

Anne noticed how down Y/N suddenly seemed and began to comfort her friend.

Anne: Hey.. it's okay Y/N.. I promise she'll wake up soon.

Y/N had tears rolling down her eyes.

Y/N *sniffle* y-yeah.. I-I hope so...

Sasha: Shh, it's okay Y/N.

Y/N was hugged by the couple, Y/N loved the feeling of being hugged but nothing could ever replace or surpass Marcy's hugs.

Y/N: Thanks you guys... I need to go visit Marcy now..

Sasha: We'd come with you but we already have plans, please tell Marcy why we couldn't make it.

Anne: Please tell her that we miss her a lot too.

Y/N: Sure thing.

Y/N walked away and back to her house to change her clothes.

Y/N: I'm home.

Mom: Welcome home muffin.

Dad: Hey kiddo, how was school?

Y/N: Same old, same old, but without Marcy it feels extra terrible.

Mom: Awww I know muffin, I hope she'll wake up soon.

Y/N's Mom walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

Dad: I know she will muffin, she has to, Marcy is a strong girl.

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