Sasha Waybright x Anne Boonchuy (Part 2)

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Part 2 of the last Sashanne I did!

Anne agrees to go have lunch with Sasha and things don't go as planned..

I hope that you'll all like this!

Enjoy reading!

Anne wakes up from her alarm and grumbles at the blaring sound, she reaches for her phone on her bedside table but ends up falling on the floor.

Anne: ow.

Mrs. B: Anne! Are you okay up there?

Anne: Yes mom!

Anne heard her mothers footsteps nearing her rooms door.

Mrs. B: Also there's a man outside asking where you are and if you could come to the car once your done.

Anne just had a momentary freeze up from shock.


Mrs. B: Hurry up then Anne! I'll go tell him that your just beginning to prepare.

Anne would tell her Mom to not say that to Sasha's Chauffer but she is already pretty late so she just deals with it.

Anne took shower, blow dried her hair on maximum heat, grabbed and put on her clothes and makes a run for it down the stairs making it outside.
(Don't blow dry on max heat guys XD)

Anne was just about to open the car door but was quickly stopped by the Chauffer.

Chauffer: Now, now Miss. I'll open it for you.

Anne: Thanks uhh- what's your name?

Chauffer: Charles, Miss Anne.

Anne: Well then Charles! Call me Anne from now on!

Chauffer: Of course... Anne...

Charles wasn't used to calling people associated with the Waybright's by their names, but Charles felt happy to do so.

Anne sits at the back next to Sasha.

Anne gawks at the cars interior as it's very beautiful.

Sasha: Hey Anne. 'Sasha asks a bit awkwardly and sheepishly.'

Anne: H-Hey Sash, thanks for inviting me for lunch.. and uh- sorry that you had to wait.. I woke up a little late..

Sasha: No! No! It's okay! It wasn't that long.

There's was an awkward silence but Anne thought of a question.

Anne: So erm.. is this car new?

Sasha: Oh! Yes it is actually. How did you notice?

Anne: Well it didn't look like the one you always rode when we uhm... When we haven't disappeared to.. y'know Amphibia.. 'Anne explained.'

Sasha: Yes.. right.. 'Sasha responds as the car forms a gloomy atmosphere at the mention of Amphibia.'

There was a little silence again.

Sasha: It's a Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
(The 2022 model my dudes if you wanna Google it.)

Anne: W-What?

Sasha: The car.

Anne: Oh! Uhm- when did you get it?

Sasha: Well ever since we came back the car I usually used is now used by another one of our servants. Father thought that since I was gone the car shouldn't go to waste. Instead of giving me the old car he just told me to pick a new one.

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