Marcy Wu x Fem!Reader (Part 1)

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You and Marcy don't really know each other but you are both aware of each others existence.

I'll also be using Google translate for Chinese at some point in the Oneshot!

Y/N was in math class, bored as heck, but luckily for her, Anne's friend sits next to her.

Y/N's Thoughts: Hmmm what was her name again?? Ma- Marrrr...-sea? No, noooo, is it Marcel? No wait its Marcy! Yeah yeah Marcy!

Y/N takes a quick glance at Marcy.
Y/N blushes.

Y/N's thoughts: Woahhh.... She's soo.. pretty.... AGH I MEAN pReTtY cOoL yeah yeahhh hahaahahahaa.... hmm..

Y/N: urgh I'm such a stupid gay idiot. 'Y/N mumbles.'

Marcy: Hm? 'Marcy responds, not looking up from what she was doing.'

Y/N: oh! Uhm no- nothing! Nothing at all...

Marcy: Oh, okay.

Y/N's thoughts: ARGH I 'AM' A STUPID GAY IDIOT!!!

It's after class and Y/N walks outside into the hall but stops to just lean on the wall next to the door of her math class.

Marcy was walking out and Y/N saw her at the corner of her eye.

Marcy stops in her tracks and looks at Y/N.

Meanwhile Y/N is just in a daze.

Y/N: pr..pretty... 'Y/N mumbles'

Marcy: ah- heh.. uhm what was that? 'Marcy clearly heard it..... even the one from the classroom.'

Y/N jumps.

Marcy: Woah there! Are you okay? You seem jumpy..?

Y/N: o..oh! Oh no, no, no I'm fine actually! Really I'm doing great!

Marcy: Are you sure? Cause I can take you to the sick room.... and maybe call Anne so she can stick with you?

Y/N: Oh no! No! Really! I'm fine! How about you? 'Y/N awkwardly leans on the wall trying to look cool.'

Marcy: pft- Hahahahaha!

Y/N's thoughts: what a wonderful smile.... and laugh..... Wait a second- SHE'S LAUGHING AT ME..!

Y/N: Heeeyyy what's so funny you meanie!

Marcy: Nothing! Hahahaha! It's just... 你真的很可爱,你知道吗
(Translation: You're really cute you know that?)

Y/N: uhmmmm what was that? I couldn't catch it?

Marcy: Nothing!

Y/N just stared at Marcy's red face in confusion.

Y/N: Welp okay? Uhm why did you stop in front of me though?

Marcy: Oh! Yeah right I completely forgot! I heard that were having troubles with Math.. a..and I just wanted to tell you I can tutor you with Anne! If you want of course...!

Y/N thought about it.

Y/N's thoughts: Hmmmmm I get to spend more time with Marcy and I get to know more about her... just one thing.... Anne is in the way... I'm sure if I ask Anne nicely to help me out she'll probably comply!

Y/N: hmmmmm...… Deal!

Marcy: Great! See you at the library after this class! Bye-bye!

Marcy turned around but tripped on her laces.

Marcy: wo- WOAH!!

Luckily for Marcy, she was caught by Y/N.

Marcy's thoughts: She's really close!!!

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