Chapter- 43- Final :-)

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*1 year later*

"Mel! Where are the streamers?" Joon yelled from the living room. I was up in my bedroom getting ready for the kids first birthday party. I walked out to the top of the stairs "I believe they are in the bag on the dining room table Joon, if they aren't there try the junk drawer in the kitchen, there might be some there." He smiled up at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing babe, you just look stunning." He said walking to the dining room.

It was two months previously that I found out I was pregnant again. This time it was only twins, it seemed that with this multiple Soulmate thing it was impossible to just have one baby in there. We all had talked and decided after the triplets that after each of them had a child of their own I would shut it down for my own health. They all agreed so happy to be able to share the experience with me.

This pregnancy we all found out that these were Joons and Jungkooks babies both little girls. I was excited to have a few more girls in the house. Both Ari and I could just more girls I thought with a smile on my face when I found out.

The party was for our families, all the grandparents were so excited, and the aunts and uncles were happy to spoil them. Even my brother came, he had come around a few times to meet the babies, but no one knew I was pregnant again. We all had planned to tell everyone at the party.

Things were going well, the Triplets were playing with their grandparents and Dads, I had finally gotten everyone in the same room for the kids to blow out their candles and do presents. The look of joys on everyone faces was enough to make me so happy.

After the cake and presents, with the help of Joon I had everyone attention. "Thank you everyone for coming, we are so happy we could get everyone together to celebrate these three. We couldn't do this with out you all. But soon we may need a bit more help." I said and then cupped my hands around my belly to let them know I was pregnant again.

The were shouts and cheers all around the room. All the mothers came over and hugged me and asked to rub my belly. I answered all their questions, Joon's mom and Jungkook's mom were ecstatic to hear they were going to be Grandparents even through they thought of the triplets as their own anyways.

Next my brother came up to me, hugging me "Sis, I am so happy to see how far you have come. Who would have thought we would both be so happy after everything we have had to deal with." I smiled at him. "I know, I never would have thought this would be possible." He was so happy to see me he hugged me at let me back to the guys. Joon and Jungkook came up to hug me both giving me kisses.

*3 years Later*

"Wake up Mel." Tae sweetly whispered in my ear, you grunted not wanting to get up. "Its time for breakfast and you need to feed those babies in there." He chuckled knowing food would get me out of bed. I reluctantly got out of bed with some help from Tae. The triplets were 4 years old and the twins were 2, and I was 7 months pregnant again. This time with Tae's and Hobi's babies, as much as I couldn't wait to meet them I was happy that after these two I could have my body back.

Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast getting ready for the Triplets 4th birthday party. They guys were all running around decorating and getting the kids fed and dressed. I looked around at the sight laughing at Jimin chasing a naked Ari around trying to get her dress on for the party. Joon feeding His daughter Binna, Jungkook was also in the kitchen feeding his daughter Haneul.

The party was over in a blink, the kids were starting to make friends and there was way more kids now at the parties than previous years. A lot of their new friends were kids of the guy's friends so I wasn't worried about people taking advantage of them. The idol community the guys had really supported each other, and my Soulmate Group really helped to let others come out publicly and thrive with families all their own.

The families were on stand by since the second set of twins could come any day. But this time I had scheduled the c section so all I had to do was make it 2 more months. Luckily my body and the babies cooperated this time. The twins before them made their introduction 2 months early and had to stay a bit in the hospital so I was happy I could go full term with these last two. It was almost like they didn't want to come out.

My doctors and I all had decided that while having the c section to tie your tubes so that there wouldn't be any more babies, and to be extra safe the guys all got vasectomy's. Our family was finally complete, and I was happy when Iseul and Bae made their way into the world. Iseul was Hobis Daughter and just like her dad was a ray of sunshine smiling and laughing. Bae was just like his dad with his box smile and straight face he was going to be a heart breaker for sure. They guys all gushed over the two new additions, the rest of the kids all came in to meet them the oldest being able to hold them assisted by their dads. Tae was hugging me watching the interactions, 'Thank you Mel, really you are amazing." He said kissing the top of my head.

*20 years later*

The twins Binna and Haneul ran into my room as I was working on my laptop. Running over to me screaming. "What's wrong!" I asked concerned. Binna responded, "Mom you need to come downstairs, Moons here and he brought someone!" I saved my work as the girls were pulling me out of my seat.

I walked down the stairs to see the guys all waiting for me in the living room. I saw the rest of the kids were there too. Ari with her Soulmate, Sun. they had met in school when Ari turned 21. It was a surprise since she had known him already for a few years. Yong had not heard anything from his so maybe they were younger than 21. I finally made it in the room when I saw a small girl sitting right up to Moon. I knew she was nervous, I smiled at her totally understanding the spot she was in. We were the most famous Soulmate family in the world at that point and now she was apart of it.

I went over to them and stood in front of them and opened my arms for a hug. "Welcome to the family, you can call me Mom." I was so happy to see my family so happy and if I could help someone join it and be happy I was glad. Our love would never shut anyone out, they were my everything.

A/N- Thank you all for reading, this book was a first for me, I had never done something like this before so it was interesting to say the least. I am considering writing another book. I may try writing the whole thing first and then posting it all at once but we will see where it goes. please follow me on here if you are interested in reading it.

Edited 2.23.2024

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