Chapter 29- Meeting

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The meeting with Bang was tomorrow and I was running through my songs one more time before I headed home for the day with the guys. I was listening with my eyes closed and headphones in when I felt hands on my shoulders. I smiled and looked up to see Joon smiling back at me, "Mel its time to go, don't over think it. You got this your songs are going to impress them." he said pulling me out of the chair into a big hug. "Now let's go!" he said pulling me out of the room.

We all had fallen into a pretty good routine since we all had been together for a few months now. We all would come home from work, Dinner then a kdrama, anime or games to end the night. Tonight, I was off dinner duty thankfully, Jin and Yoongi were making it and I could just relax before dinner. I sat on the couch reading a book until they called everyone in for dinner, I kissed Jin as I passed.

After dinner we all cuddled on the couch, "Mel, since you have a big day tomorrow, we were thinking that you get the choice of entertainment tonight." Jin said handing me the remote. I thought about it for a few min and chose to put on first season of Fruits Basket. The show had a way of calming me and that was exactly what I needed now. I smiled and cuddled in between Jimin and Tae, Tae's arm around me and Jimin laying on my lap so I could play with his hair.

Yoongi went to bed with me that night, we both stayed up later talking about my songs and what to expect in the meeting. I was feeling a little better when I woke up in Yoongi's arms, I got up and showered and put on my dress clothes for the meeting and kissed him before leaving.

Joon was up and waiting for me when I came downstairs, we both grabbed some breakfast and headed to the company. I was glad Joon was coming with me to the meeting, having him with me made it seem way less scary.

We both walked into the board room hand in hand and sat across from Bang, he had a big smile on his face. "Morning you too! Let's get down to business!" he said gesturing to me that I had the floor. I got up and moved over to the stereo system at the end of the table. "Thank you, all of the opportunity, first, I do realize that if my Soulmates were not BTS I would have never gotten this chance. I do hope I don't let you down." I said as I bowed.

I first explained each song then played it for them, throughout each song they showed no emotion but just wrote notes on each one. I felt a bit concerned that I did something wrong since there was so feedback yet. But Joon smiled and I carried on.

Once I was done with the last song I bowed to them again and let them know that was the last one. I sat back down next to Joon to await their opinions, I took a deep breath and waited. After a few seconds Bang finished writing his notes and looked up at me. My heart felt like it was in throat and it was beating a million miles a minute.

"Melody, thank you for the songs. I first want to ask. Have you written any songs or anything before?" he asked. "No Sir this is my first try." I said nervous on why he was asking. "Well Melody, I have to say for a first try these are pretty spectacular. They have real potential and I think if you were paired with another producer, you could do really well." He said with a smile.

Bang went through his suggestions on each song and gave me copies of the notes so I could work on making the songs even better. I couldn't believe they thought I could do it. Walking out of the room I was stunned. Once Joon had closed the door he jumped over to me. "See I told you! nothing to be scared of! You did so well!" he picked me up and hugged and kissed you.

Joon and I made our way back home to tell everyone else about the meeting. Once in the door they all were running up to me asking how it went. I took a deep breath, "He loved them! he said they and I have potential!" Everyone screamed and was jumping up and down. Somehow I ended up on Kookie's shoulders and they were dancing around the living room in celebration. I couldn't help but laugh at them getting so excited for me.

Once everyone was calmed from the exciting news Jin announced, "So to celebrate everyone go put on something nice! We are going out to dinner!!" Everyone gave me hugs as they ran off to change. Last one to come up was Yoongi, "See babe I knew you had it in you! don't doubt yourself." He said giving me a passionate kiss and walking with me back up to get ready.

Everyone was ready to go, we all were making our way down to the car. I was one of the last ones out, only Jimin was behind me. As you all walked out the door before I could cross the sidewalk I felt someone push me back. It happened so quickly that Jimin almost didn't catch me, Jimin and I looked around and saw a hooded figure running down the sidewalk and around the corner. "Mel are you ok? What just happened?" he asked confused. "I have no idea I didn't see them at all until I was knocked down." I said as he helped me up. I looked down at your dress and luckily nothing was wrong. Jimin helped me walk to the car, as I entered the van the rest of the guys looked confused.

Jimin spoke up, "Someone pushed Mel down guys." Looking upset. "Guys, lets just enjoy the night we can figure that out later, ok?" I asked. One person couldn't ruin this day for me. The rest of the guys agreed, and the dinner went well. They took me to a fancy Italian place that Tae loves, after a few bottles of wine we all were ready to head back home. We all agreed to all sleep in the living room and cuddle.

On the way out of the restaurant the guys were way more observant of the people around us. Not wanting to give whoever the person was who ran into me earlier another chance to touch me.

Hobi's POV

After the incident before dinner, I was more on edge that ever. I have had many run ins with Sasaengs since being in BTS but this was completely different. Our Soulmate was everything to us, I was terrified of what could happen if they got to her.

Mel had never asked to be famous, we put here in this position and now it was our turn to protect her. As we drove back from the restaurant, I made sure to sit next to her and hold her had and stroke the back of it. I wasn't sure if it was more calming for her or me. I was more stressed about the possibility than she probably was.

Melody's POV

The drive back Hobi was being way more protective that normal. Not that I didn't like the attention, I just didn't understand it. I put my head on his shoulder hoping this would help destress him.

Once we were back at the dorm, we all changed and got the living room ready for the night. I got a shower and put on my Mang Pjs grabbed my pillow and headed down. Jin had a bunch of snacks all ready and was bringing over drinks as well when I walked in.

I found my spot, and everyone filled in around me to get comfy. Jin got to pick tonight so Disney it was! The movie was about halfway done when I had drifted off to sleep on Jin chest.

Later I woke up and no one was around me, confused I got up and started to walk around looking for everyone. No one was in their rooms, I headed downstairs to see if they were down there. I quietly walked down the stairs and saw a light shining through the dance room door that was partially open.  I heard some conversations but leaned closer to hear what was being said.

"Joon, you have to admit that was too close and coincidental to not be a crazed fan."  Hobi said.

"They must have found our dorm again" Jimin said.

"I know guys, but we don't know if that's exactly what happened. Even Mel didn't see." Joon said

"I just don't feel comfortable with her being alone with someone out there that looks like they want to hurt here. This seemed like a warning." Tae said.

What did they mean a warning?

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