Chapter 5- The moment of truth!

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Jin- Well Melody and Kookie, if you two are done getting acquainted we could let Melody in on how we know each other....

Melody- Yes please! I can't wait.

Joon- Are you by a computer?

Melody- Yes I am

Jin- Okay, if you want go to your search bar and type in.....

Yoongi- B

Hobi- T

Jimin- S

Tae- let us know once you've searched!

I typed in BTS into the bar and clicked. My heart was pounding so hard. I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them back up to show 7 gorgeous men staring back at me in millions of photos.

Melody- OMG is that you all?

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Melody- OMG is that you all?

Jin- Yes, it is!! Surprised?!

Melody- I'm speechless. Yes, you all are so handsome! I'm going to need a min to process this all.

Jimin- aww she's so cute!!!

Joon- Give her a min guys. Melody, just call for us when you're ready.

I took my time staring at each of the guys in the photo. They each were breathtaking. I panicked thinking I wasn't going to be good enough for them. I had this sense of dread building inside looking through the photos of them and awards they had won. They were famous and I was a nothing a nobody. Not pretty and not worth their time. They were going to be disappointed.

Melody- Guys?

Jin- We are here

Hobi- Cutie we are here. Are you ok?

Melody- yea I'm ok, just really shocked. I feel like you may be disappointed in me. You all are so handsome.

Yoongi- hey stop that, you are out Soulmate, you were made for us. There is no way you could disappoint us.

Tae- please don't talk like that, you are worthy of us.

Melody- but you haven't even seen me yet.

Kookie- we don't need to know you are right for us. Don't worry

Joon- they are right don't worry, if you want you can give us your number and we can video chat so we can see you too if that make you more comfortable.

Melody- Sure that's good. I feel weird knowing I've seen you all but you haven't seen me.

We all exchanged numbers and set up a time to all chat. Since they all wanted to be in same room when they met me. It was scheduled tomorrow morning I couldn't help but feel super nervous that they would reject me, I was not up to their par. I fell asleep that night tossing and turning all night knowing they would see me tomorrow. 

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