Chapter 24- Yoongi and Hobi's Families

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A/N- sorry for the delay everyone! I've been having a bit of writers black recently but I think i'm back! Thanks for reading!!

The rest of the night luckily went by uneventfully, Yoongi's parents and older brother were coming at lunch time tomorrow, so I had some time to breathe. Everyone was cuddled up in the living room watching a movie before heading off to bed.

After the movie I went up to shower and get myself ready for bed. Once I was in my Pjs and ready to hop into bed I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said and watched as Yoongi entered. I was doing my nightly journal, He sat down next to me not saying a word while I wrote.

He scooted closer to me putting his head on my shoulder and glancing at the words as I wrote. I finished up after a few minutes, as I closed the book Yoongi began to kiss my shoulder. "Your words are sad but beautiful Melody." He said gazing into my eyes. "If you want, we can work on them together to make a song if you're comfortable with it." I stared at him surprised I never would have thought my daily thoughts would be good enough for a song much less anyone to look at. But knowing I was safe with him I reluctantly nodded. He pulled me into a hug and we both laid down under the covers.

I woke up the next morning against Yoongi's bare chest, we both had enjoyed each other last night, he really did treat me with so much love. I got up leaving Yoongi to sleep longer, I got dressed and headed down to help with breakfast.

I had beat everyone down this morning, so I started to get everything ready. I was finishing up the pancakes when I heard the doorbell ring. I was still the only one up, so I ran to the door to answer it.

I opened the door to see three people I didn't know. I bowed in respect and realized Yoongi's family was early!

"Good morning, sorry we are early." His father said. "Oh! Come in please!" I spoke and opened the door wide to have them come in. I felt a bit embarrassed since I was still in my pjs and looked a bit of a mess from making breakfast.

"Sorry, I was making breakfast. No one has gotten up quite yet. If you want, you all can put your bags by the door and come in the kitchen with me as I finish cooking." I said to the three. They all nodded and followed me back to the kitchen.

The three of us chatted while I made bacon, eggs, and a fruit salad. They made me feel more comfortable just chatting while I had your hands busy it didn't feel as forced. Then as I was getting the last thing together Hobi walked into the kitchen and was shocked to see Yoongi's family sitting with me.

"OH! Good morning Min family! Mel, is anyone else up?!" he asked "Morning Hobi, nope I was the only one up when they arrived." I said smiling. "Well Welcome! Sorry we weren't up! Mel why don't you wake everyone up, we can move the food to the dining table." "Thanks, Hobi, I'll be right back." I said to everyone excusing myself.

I ran up the stairs and opened each door as I went and told them Yoongi's family was already here. There was a range of surprise and panic in each room, I finally reached my room and walked in to a still sleeping Yoongi.

I sat on his side of the bed and leaned down to his ear. "Yoongi, sorry to wake you but your family is here early." He panicked opening his eyes. "WHAT!?" he asked. "Yea, I was up making breakfast by myself when they arrived. Don't worry I have been with them." I smiled back at him. He reached up to cup my cheek. "Mel, you never cense to amaze me. Let me get up and let go down together." He said getting out of bed and quickly getting his pjs back on and brushing his teeth.

We both headed downstairs hand in hand to the dining room, as we both entered Yoongi's mom jumped up and ran to hug him. "YOONGI! I missed you." she yelled as she hugged him, then pulled me into the hug too. "You have a wonderful Soulmate; she was so polite and welcoming." She said releasing us both then playfully hitting his arm. "Now why weren't you up to greet us!" he signed "Well we didn't expect you this early mom." He said rolling his eyes and kissing her on the cheek.

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