Chapter 10- Dates, Dates, and more Dates.

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Everyone sat down at the dining room table looking over at Mr. Bang. I was nervous in my chair shaking slightly. I was never fond of change, and I was nervous this would be too much at once. Both Jin and Yoongi reached over and held my hands to steady me. "So, since Melody is finally here, I wanted to come chat with you all and talk through some ideas." Everyone nodded awaiting his ideas.

Mr. Bang explained mostly for me since I wasn't truly a fan of the guys before becoming their Soulmate, that they had just released a few English singles and were planning a huge tour coming up in a few months. The Grammy nomination, and the promise of more in the future. They truly were rising starts across the world. Then came the idea, "Since you all are now bonded, I want to introduce you to the world Melody. Our boys are happy now and I think that ARMY would be as well." Seeing my panic. Mr. Bang quickly continued. "Of course, it wouldn't be right away! We would want you all to become more acquainted with each other and the reveal wouldn't be until the beginning the tour. At our opening show here in Seoul we could reveal you." Feeling a bit more relieved I released the breath I was holding. 

"I think that would be ok, I would need a little time to fully think about it buts not a no." I softly spoke back to the grinning man. "Perfect Melody, that's completely understandable. You're just meeting them, and I wouldn't push you. I know these boys would kill me if I did." Laughing and patting Tae and Kookie on the back.

After chatting for a bit Mr. Bang left promising that you all would catch up soon. After he left I excused myself to go shower and get myself ready for the day. The shower was working all the knots in my back it was so relaxing. After standing in the hot shower for a bit I got out dressed and did my hair and got dressed in jeans, a cute top and walked down to the living room.

The guys all had done the same while I was gone and were waiting for me on the couch. They were watching an anime when I walked in. Hobi saw me first and jumped up to hug me and bring me back to the couch. Hobi spoke up "So we all decided that we would take you on a mini dates here today! what do you think?" nodding excitedly. "Sure! That sounds wonderful!" All the guys were excited, they pulled out a baseball hat and put their names on paper for me to draw the order. I stuck your hand in and grabbed a slip of paper. Slowing opening it you saw Yoongi's name. Smiling I looked at the boys "Looks like Yoongis got me first!" all the other pouted, wanting to be the first to take me on their date.

Yoongi got up from his spot and put his hand out for me. I got up and walked with him toward the stairs, to the basement. I hadn't been down here yet, but I was curious what he had planned. I got to the bottom of the stairs and Yoongi turned to me. "I know they didn't show you down here yet, but down here we have the dance studio, and our mini home studios for producing music. I thought we could hang out in my studio and listen to music and talk. How does that sound?" "Sounds perfect!" I was so excited. I had always had a pull toward music, it had always help me through my feelings.

We both walked to the third door, Yoongi unlocked the door and both walked in. I was impressed, multiple monitors, a sounds board, and a microphone in the corner. "Wow, you make music in here at home?" "Of Course, if not I'd be at the Hybe building 24/7 and that's just not healthy." We both took a seat, Yoongi in his chair and me on the couch at the back of the small studio. "So, I was thinking you could show me some of your songs you really love, and I could share some of mine. I usually can understand a person more from the music they listen to." He handed me over the aux cord to the speakers, I took out my phone and opened one of my playlists. "Okay, I hope you like what I have, I tend to like a lot of different kinds of music." Yoongi nodded "I'm sure your full of a few surprises but im ready." He said with a smirk.

Opening my favorite playlist, I searched for the perfect first song to play. I went with the classic song that always made me happy when I was at my lowest. While my Guitar Gently Weeps begins on the speakers. Yoongi looks at me with a bit of surprise. "Wow, the Beatles? This is a surprise. Why this song?"

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