Chapter 27- Kookie's Family

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I woke the next morning still in Kookie's arms, I didn't want to move since he was so calming to me. He started to stir as I nuzzled into his chest, "Morning Mel" he said with his eyes closed. "Morning Kook" I said kissing his collar bone, causing him to squeeze me tighter. We both laid there for a few minutes more until my bladder couldn't take it anymore. "Kook? I need to get up." I said causing him to groan. "Okay..." he said releasing me to get up.

I went in the bathroom and got ready for the day, Kookie was still in bed when I came back out. I gave him a kiss before I went down to breakfast. The rest of the morning went by like normal and I was able to relax a bit by sitting out on my swing and listening to music and writing a bit. Kookie's family were coming by around dinner time, so I had a bit of time.

We all were helping to get dinner ready when Kookie got the word his family was close, he pulled me out of the kitchen to head out to the porch to wait for them. He was basically jumping with excitement waiting for the car to pull in the long driveway. Once he saw them, he squeezed my hand so hard and really started to jump. "OMG they are here!" jumping off the porch stairs to wait for the car.

I hopped down as well once the car parked to stand next to Kookie. He grabbed the bags from his mother and put them on the porch and pulled me over to meet her first. "Eomma this is my Soulmate Melody!" he said with pride. I bowed politely but she pulled me up into a hug. "You're my daughter now, we hug!" she said smiling at me. His Dad and Brother also gave me hugs and pleasant hellos.

Kookie and I help bring in their luggage and show them their rooms. Once everyone was settled we all headed down for dinner with everyone. We all chatted, I sat next to Kookie's mom and across from his brother and dad while Kookie was on the other side of his mom. They asked questions about where I was from and my likes and dislikes. I was relieved that they didn't ask any tough questions about my family only basic level and that marriage wasn't brought up at all.

After dinner we all played a few board games then his family headed up to bed since they were tired from the trip. Everyone else also headed up as well, Kookie and I headed to my room. As the door closed, he had me pinned against the door kissing my neck and up to my lips. After taking a breather, "I am so happy Mel, I love you so much." He said bringing me back in for a kiss.

He picked me up and carried me over to the bed, only giving me a second in between kisses to set up down on the bed. He crawled on top of me continuing the kiss, pulling my shirt off and his as well. He kissed down my neck and over my collar bone stopping at my bra. I took a deep breath in looked up at him and reached up to bring his lips to mine. It was pure bliss.

*Time skip for my own sanity LOL* Getting steamy up in here LOL

We both laid there panting after going a couple rounds. I turned to Kookie, "Now I get why they call you a bunny." I said laughing and kissing his nose. He busted out laughing as well at my comment. "I guess so!" he replied. We both cleaned up and got my pjs on and got ready for bed.

The next morning I woke up and headed down the help with breakfast, but Kookie's mom had beat me. She was already making breakfast for everyone. "Need any help?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. "That would be wonderful." She spoke. I helped get the eggs cooked while she finished up the rest. The guys all made their way down as we both were finishing up. "Thanks for the help! I am not used to cooking for so many people, so you were a huge help." She spoke. "No problem at all, I have only done it a few times myself, so I know its helps when you do it as a team." I said smiling at her.

After breakfast Kookie's Mom and I went out to your swing to chat. I all talked about his favorite foods and things he did as a child. I made sure to make some notes for later to surprise him with something to eat from home. I had asked all the moms about that so I could do something nice for the guys one dinner coming up.

The rest of the day I got to know his older brother and dad as well. Meeting His family last was the best, they were so kind and inviting. Kookie was so lucky to have them as his parents especially with how young he was when he joined the group.

I was sad to see them leave the next morning, but we had a few more days just the guys and myself before we had to head back to Seoul. I was excited the most nerve-wracking part was done and we could all just relax. I plopped myself down on the couch after they had left and closed my eyes for a few minutes. I felt the couch on both sides of me dip down as well. I opened my eyes so see all the guys relaxing near me. I took a deep sign and said, "Guys that was overwhelming but I'm glad I got to meet them all."  They all agreed. "Now we have a few days to relax before we head back. Mel, would you like to go on a hike later?" Joon asked.

"As long as its not too hard sure. Are we all going?" I asked. "YUP!" they all yelled.

We all had lunch then went to go get ready for the hike. Luckily I had a pair of sneakers to be semi comfortable for the hike. I headed back down to the living room to wait for the rest of the guys, but I was the last one down. Joon grabbed my hand, and we all headed out back to the trails.

They had taken me on an easier path, but I was tired once we got back, I headed up to change and shower for dinner since the hike made me sweaty. The guys decided to order out dinner tonight so no one had to cook after the hike. We all got Korean Fried Chicken, it hit the spot after the activity today, I knew I was going to pass out tonight.

Since before they had decided who would sleep in my room that night by what family was coming they decided to play a game to decide tonight. They were all super competitive so needless to say it was the loudest and rowdy game of rock paper scissors I had ever seen. It was down to Yoongi and Tae, I couldn't help but laugh when Yoongi won and did a silly celebratory dance. You hadn't seen him work so hard for winning something in their Run BTS history that spending the time with me must be a huge thing for him.

I gave Tae a kiss in consolation before heading up to get ready for bed. I was in bed when Yoongi came in and crawled in bed next to me. I cuddled up to him and kissed him before we both fell asleep snuggled up together. It was the best feeling sleeping with my soulmates.

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