Chapter 34- Justice

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I was in the hospital for a few days so they could watch me for the concussion, the internal bleeding from being kicked and that I had no infections from the cuts. The doctors were able to make it so the cuts wouldn't scar thankfully but I was way more skittish now than before. The guys had bust into the room once and I had panicked into the fetal position, the guys treaded lighter with me once they saw my reaction.

They had also set me up with a counselor to help with talking through the PSTD. I weren't too happy about it, but I didn't want them to have to walk on egg shells and me jumping at every loud noise. The police had come to talk to me about what happened and in their last visit told me the two were indeed Sasaengs and were a part of a group that had been stalking the boys for years.

They all were set to be on trial in a week and they wanted me to come and identify and name those that abused me. the thought of it was terrifying, having to see them again was making me very uncomfortable.

I was finally released from the hospital; they had me use the staff entrance since all the press had camped outside. Jin was stuck to my side, as I walked out, he had turned into the main caregiver since I was taken. He had never left my side once, I leaned into him as I walked out to the car. I got in the back seat, and I sat in between Jin and Tae. Tae gripped my hand tight, and Jin grabbed the other. I just wanted to be home in my own bed, it felt like a whole other lifetime ago that I had gone out with Jiwoo even though it was only 6 days ago.

We all walked into the dorm, and they sat me on the couch, Jin got up to make some food for me and Tae stayed with me. I turned to Tae, "Tae? Can I please go shower? I want to get the hospital smell off me." I asked. "Mel, you don't need to ask, of course you can. Do you want me to come keep you company?" I nodded not wanting to be away from any of them right now.

We both walked up to my room, I grabbed my clothes and headed for the bathroom, before entering I turned to Tae, "Tae? Can you come sit in there with me?" Tae got up and hugged me, "Of course sweetheart." I squeezed him and let go to walk in the bathroom.

I started the shower, then started to take off my clothes, feeling stiff Tae came over and helped me remove my clothes. I tried not to look at him since I knew I probably looked rough from the stitches and bruises. Once I was naked I felt him hug me from behind and I felt a tear hit my shoulder. I turned to him seeing his distressed face. 'Baby I'm so sorry." He said softly putting his face in his hands.

I hugged him not realizing that I wasn't the only one hurting from the whole situation. I stayed in his arms for a few more minutes before releasing him and getting into the shower. He went to sit on the side of the tub while I did my thing. Once I was done, he brought me over my towel and helped wrap it around me.

Once I was dressed and in your Pjs I headed back down to the living room with the others, but Tae wouldn't let me walk so he made a scene by carrying me bridal style into the room, smiling ear to ear as he did so. I was shaking my head, at least these types of things don't change.

After eating dinner and watching a quick kdrama episode I went up to bed, Tae and Jin still wouldn't leave my side, so I was in bed with both cuddling me. I stared at the ceiling, as Tae began to snore on my one side, Jin kissed my shoulder "You ok Mel?" he asked whispering not to wake up Tae. I nodded "yes I think so. Just my brain won't turn off." Jin nodded "would you like me to sing to you or rub your back?" he asked. I nodded and turned on my side facing Tae. I fell asleep to Jin rubbing my back and softly signing Epiphany to me.

The next week went by in a blur, I had gotten back into my routine and had gone to two counseling sessions, as much as I didn't want to go I liked her and felt like maybe this would help. The only thing not great was I had to head over to the courthouse today to see my attackers again. The guys had decided that they would come with me as support and to show how strong I was. I got dressed in a pants suit and the guys all wore them with me. I thought it was funny we all kinda looked like a Kdrama about lawyers. But that thought was dashed as soon as we pulled up to the courthouse.

The courthouse was swarming with reporters and fans, mostly supporting me but there was always some not so supportive. Jin gripped my hand in reassurance as we all went to get out of the van. They all protected me by keeping me in the middle and as much as possible out of the camera's views. Once we were inside I felt like I could breathe a little better.

The lawyers for Hybe came and grabbed us all to head into the courtroom, I sat on the right side behind the lawyers surrounded by all my guys, Jin on my left and Hobi to my right. The judge came in and it began.

The group was brought in and sat at the table to the left. All of them looked back at you all, you forced yourself to look forward with a straight face to not show how much you were panicking on the inside. Your only tell was the grip on Jin and Hobi's hands. Jin grabbed your hand and lifted it up to kiss it to help you relax. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the girl give you the evil eye at the action.

The judge then asked the Hybe lawyers for their arguments and asked me to come up to identify the abusers. I squeezed both of their hands took a deep breath and got up. I walked to the podium in the center of the walkway and waited for the judge. I can do this I thought waiting to be asked a question.

"Thank you, Melody for coming here today.' the judge said. I bowed politely and let him continue. "Can you tell us what you can remember and point to who here was involved in the incident?" he asked and motioned that I could speak.

I told him about leaving the spa and waking up in a dark room and what had happened to me and the things that were said. I hear gasps and some sniffles behind my from my Soulmates, just realizing I hadn't gone into all the detail with them yet. Once I finished my story I turned to the left bench and pointed to the guy and girl and told the judge that those two were the ones who abused me.  I turned back to the judge thanked him by bowing. He bowed back and let me return to your seat.

As I walked back to my seat I heard the girl scoff I froze. "None of this would have happened if you were a stupid slut taking them all as your Soulmates." She said with a venom in her words. Once she finished there was a roar from my Soulmates and the judge. I quickly sat back down burying my head into Jin's chest. Not wanting to hear any more from them, the judge got the courtroom back in order and continued.

Once the other side went through there argument and judge took some time to deliberate. The guys all stood around my giving me a big hug as we all awaiting the ruling. Jimin was so upset from what I had said that he wouldn't leave my side. Once the lawyers brought everyone back in Jimin had replaced Hobi next to me.

The judge came back in and announced the result, the two abusers were given 20 years in prison. And the third accomplice was given 10 years since he only drove the car who caused the accident. I was relieved and happy that they couldn't hurt me or anyone else anymore.

That night the guys wanted to celebrate, they took me out for Korean BBQ, I was happy to think I would be able to go out now without the threat of someone attacking me.

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