Chapter 25- Seriously?

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After your day of rest, I felt much better waking up in Joon's arms. I was a little worried about meeting his family today. From what he had told me they were a bit more skeptical than the rest of the families.

I was a bit quieter than normal at breakfast, the nerves were starting to get to me from meeting so many people all at once. I was afraid I could break down at any moment, I got up after breakfast to get ready to meet Joon's family.

I jumped in the shower playing some music on my phone as I showered. I opted for a kpop playlist the guys had helped me create; it was mostly their songs with a few songs I liked from some dramas we had watched all together. The song Stay with me came on after a few of their songs, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I slunk down to the bottom of the shower and held my knees and sobbed. It was too much, I had overdone it and just let out all the stress I had been holding.

I don't remember how long I was in the shower when I heard a knock at the door. "Babe are you ok?" I hear called out to me but not coming in. I looked up unable to speak still crying. "I'm coming in." they said as I looked up to see Kookie's worried face. He reached in turned off the water and grabbed a towel to wrap around me. He then picked me up and brought me back out to the bed to cuddle.

I sat in his arms for a bit until I calmed down. Then I looked up at him "I'm sorry, I thought I was okay but it's all kind of hitting me. I am overwhelmed." He leaned down and kissed my head. "Never apologize babe, we know this is a lot and not exactly normal. It's okay to not be okay." I thanked him and got up to get dressed and put yourself back together. He stayed with me to make sure I really was okay then helped my down to the kitchen for lunch.

The guys all gave Kookie a look when I both entered the kitchen, but he told them all to not draw attention, he knew it would only upset me more. We all ate and waiting for Joon's family to arrive.

Just before dinner Joon got a call that his family was close, luckily I was helping Jin and Yoongi with cooking dinner, so I was a bit distracted. Joon grabbed me when he saw them pull in the driveway so we both could great them at the door. I gave Jin and Yoongi a panicked look as I left the kitchen.

I followed behind Joon as he held my hand, I was trying to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I kept myself behind him until I got to the front porch. I saw their car park and start to get out, once they were at the porch, they hugged Joon and bowed to me. I bowed back and invited them in.

The four of us go a sit on the couch to get to know each other. They were way sterner and more professional than the other families I had met so far. I couldn't help but be surprised since Joon had been that way with work. I did my best to answer all their questions about my family and where I had come from. I felt like I was almost being interrogated and began to clam up and shut down. I squeezed Joon's hand to give him a heads up I was getting overwhelmed.

"Eomma and Appa, lets hold off on more of the questions for later. I think dinner may be ready soon. Mel why don't you go check on it for me." Turning to me. I bowed to his parents again and went over to the kitchen to take a breath and see about dinner.

Joons POV-

Once Mel was in the kitchen I turned to my parents with a stern look. "So why the 50 questions? You know she is really trying." Not mincing my words, I could tell she was about to cry before she left the room.

His mom signed, "Namjoon, you know your father and I support you, but I find this "Soulmate" thing a bit hard to believe." She spoke. His father chimed in, "I find this hard to believe that all 7 of you have the same Soulmate Joon. Are you sure she isn't just another of those crazed fans?"

The minute he said that Mel had walked back into the room and heard my father's question. I turned to see her starting to sob and run outside to the back yard. I turned to my parents "Really? How and why would anyone lie about their Soulmate? You better fix this because she is not going away." I bowed to them and ran after Melody.

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