Chapter 37- Engagement

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The next week at the house was amazing and relaxing, but I was ready to head home. The guys were planning on sharing the engagement with Army once we were settled at home. I was happy to be home and ready to get back to work in the studio. The guys and I had decided to do a v-live to show off the engagement later that night. I was a bit nervous at Army's reaction, but I knew that I had the support of the company and the guys behind me.

The guys grabbed me from my studio and brought me to one of the practice rooms to do the live. they had decorated the back of the room with flowers to give it a nice backdrop. It almost looked like a mini forest.

Joon went over the plan one more time before starting the camera. They were going to start the live and talk to Army for a bit first then announce that they had something to tell them. Then I would come in and show the ring to the camera and everyone would answer some questions.

The reveal went well, and they guys started to shift through the questions. I tried not to look at the comments, but I couldn't help it. The first comment I saw as they were scrolling was not a pleasant one, Joon immediately saw my face sour. I looked away slightly to take a deep breath and stop the tears that were beginning to form. He started to say goodnight to everyone and not so subtily mentioned to Army that any bad comments from them are not welcome, then promptly said goodbye.

Hobi who was sitting next to me as soon as the live ended grabbed me into a big hug. I let out the tears saying "Why do some of them hate me, I haven't done anything? I just don't understand how they can say such horrible things we are all human" I said sobbing into his shirt.

He rubbed my back and let me get it all out. "Baby it's ok, we love you that's all that matters. You are our Soulmate you are never going anywhere no matter what they say." The rest of the guys came around and hugged me.

A few months have passed since your engagement and we all were back into our normal routine, the guys were working on the next come back and album release. I was busy helping Joon and Yoongi with some producing of some of the songs for the album. They wanted me involved as much as possible, Jungkook had even been asking me to help him with his solo project he had been working on.

That night at dinner as we all were eating Tae spoke up. "Mel? So, a few of us were thinking since we have been engaged a few months how about we set a date?" I stopped eating and stared around the table. I hadn't had much time to think about it, I took a second to collect my thoughts. "Sorry guys I think we all were a bit distracted but what are you all thinking? I have a few ideas, but I want to hear you all out."

The guys all went around the table and shared their thoughts. Mostly they wanted to get married in Korea and that it has some traditional aspects to it. I agreed nodding and listening to all their thoughts, once they were done it was my turn.

"So ever since I was little, I wanted a wedding with lots of flowers, and since we are having the wedding, I think I can get my wish and still make you all happy. I would like to get married surrounded by Cherry Blossoms." I said smiling at them.

Jin spoke up, "Well then April it is then!" All the guys smiled back at you. "That means we only have 8 months to go! We better get planning." Joon chimed in.

I had gotten in touch with Jiwoo to start talking about the wedding. She was so excited to be involved and even was more excited I had asked her to help with my wedding dress. She sent you a few wedding planners to help along the way and went with me to meet them.

I had picked a planner, a date (April 9th) and a venue, it was starting to feel a little more real. The guys were at work getting ready for their comeback but still gave all the input and listened at dinners on the planning.

Another month passed and I was currently sitting in a dress shop with Jiwoo working on the dress. She had taken my notes of what I was looking for and added in the traditional Korean wedding dresses or Hanboks. We both had decided on an all-white dress with lace sleeves for the reception and a traditional hanbok for the ceremony. I was excited to get to the wedding day to see the looks on the guys faces.

The album release and come back had gone so well, they guys were nominated for a bunch of awards and had hit the number 1 on the billboards for the 5th time, it seemed that the more they released the more popular they would become. There was only about 3 months left until the wedding and everything was mostly done all I had to do was send out the invites and finish narrowing down the guest list.

The guys knew I didn't want my mom to come to the wedding, but my brother was invited. I was a bit nervous since I hadn't spoken to him in a long time, and I was worried that somehow my mom would find out and try to crash it.

Most of the guest list was their family and friends, I wasn't mad about it I had the people I needed coming my friends and hopefully just my brother. The day couldn't come quick enough for me, I was so ready to marry them.

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