Chapter 19

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The suggestion from Lex to have a family dinner was an interesting idea. You knew it was only a matter of time before this happened though. You loved Lex, and he felt the same about you. So despite your rough family backgrounds, you decided it was better to face it head on.

Lex was at the mansion making Lionel and your father comfortable. You'd volunteer to get the drinks for obvious reasons. Partly because you were quicker, and you were sort of hoping by the time you got back they'd break the ice. Thinking back, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave Lex with two control freaks. You smile at the thought, and as you're about to walk out of the store, a large eruption of lighting echoes. People start scrambling, and despite the noise, you see no damage, or chaos you assumed will come with it. You do feel something though. The bag in your hands is long forgotten as you race towards the torrents of orange light that look alarmingly like your own.

~Luthor Mansion~

Harrison is standing at the table about to take a seat. Lionel moves to do the same. Lex releases a sigh at the awkward energy.

"Dr. Wells, is there something I can get you?" Lex asks. The older man still has that perpetual frown.

"How exactly did you meet my daughter? I have to admit it's strange she would go for a bald guy."

Harrison would never stop taking jabs at Lex.

"I'd like to know the same. Daughter of a scientist pursuing someone of Lex's status is quite convenient."

Harrison's hands lowered, and from the change of stance, he can tell that there is about to be an argument.

"Are you suggesting my daughter is after his money?"

"She wouldn't be the first, and certainly not the last."

Lex is really wishing you'd just zoom into the room right now. Apparently he gets his wish. Though he's a bit uneasy, because the plan was always to keep Lionel in the dark, at least until you felt comfortable enough around him.

"(Y/N) what are you-" his words stop. The girl in front of him is definitely not you. The child looks about fourteen, red hair, green eyes. He pauses. The girl's grin becomes wide, and he grunts when the lightning brightens in the room as she runs right into his chest.

"Dad! This is so cool I can't believe I actually did it!!"

Her hands are wrapped around his torso and he looks down stunned. Harrison and Lionel take a step back.

"Lex! What is going on?" Lionel is wondering if what he's seen is real.

That's what he'd like to know.

The teen's head turns, smiling coming in tenfold.

"Grandpa you're here too!" She runs, now hugging Lionel, and his body becomes stiff. Harrison's eyes haven't left the girl's form.

"You..look just like Tess..." He mutters.

"And her hair it's just like Lillian's." Lionel says in awe.

The sounds of feet skating on the floor makes them all turn. Your lightning dissipates the second your inside, and you appear to be in fight mode.

"Lex someone came out of the speedforce we have to-" Your words stop at the girl. Her eyes display love as she looks at you.

"Hey mom." She releases Lionel walking over to you with a guilty smile.

"You're gonna give me an earful when I get home." She laughs. She doesn't look like an enemy, but what she'd said, you must have misheard.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your daughter silly. Lillian Tess Wells." She's glowing as she says it, and you just stare.

"I need a drink." Harrison states.

"Dad, why don't you look surprised by all of this!"

"Well, you remember your uncle Barry, he's had a few of these moments. I think I've grown used to it." Harrison is taking this way too well. Lillian is still bouncing around excitedly.

"Grandpa, you know you look exactly the same in the future. I thought you'd age. Are you immortal?" Harrison smiles at that, and Lillian grins.

"You have your grandmother's smile."

"Shucks, you always say that grandpa." Her cheeks darken bashfully as she waves it off with a giggle. Lionel is still in a state of utter confusion. You're doing your best not to freak out. Because this has to be breaking some kind of rule. This was still a bit to wrap your head around.

"I'm concerned about why everyone failed to tell me that apparently Ms. Quick is a meteor freak."

"Don't call her that!" Lex snapped. You could see the agitation on Lex's face, and you placed your hand on his shoulder.

Lillian's eyes fell. "Please don't fight."

You took a step back, and all eyes shifted to the girl. You could see the fresh tears around her eyes.

"I thought if I came here it would be different. But all I do is cause problems."

"Lillian, no it's not your fault." She wiped her eyes, running off in a flash.

"I'm going to talk to her. You guys please don't argue." You ran after her, and Lionel's eyes stayed focused on the entrance.

"We need to talk Dad."

"I think that's an understatement." 

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