Chapter 3

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"Why are you avoiding me?" 

You look up at Clark, a bit surprised. The library wasn't somewhere you thought you'd run into. You knew him well enough. He spent most of his time at the Talon. "I-I'm not avoiding you." The unsteady tone doesn't really help your case. The fact that he's asking the question, it's clear Lex hasn't said anything to him.

"Tell me the truth (Y/N)." You swallow, hands shaking slightly.

"I'm sorry Clark." The look you send makes him move to your side immediately. "What happened, did someone hurt you!" He looks alarmed just at the thought. You shake your head, and he takes your hand. 

"When I went to Lex we were finishing the video and his father walked in. Mr. Luthor just said some stuff and I sort of..well I ran. H-He didn't even threaten me, it's just that look that he wore like he knew about me. Clark he knew my name, what if he knows about my abilities and he- Clark pulls you to his side. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. Don't worry about Lionel, knowing Lex's he probably thinks the same." you swallow. That all happened about a week ago. You hadn't spoken to Lex since. You've been ignoring his texts. Now the regret settles.

"Clark, there's something I have to go do." You don't clarify what it is, and Clark doesn't press. He just gives you an encouraging smile.


For now though, you feel protected being here with him.


The trip you have to make lays a bit heavy on your heart. This is the second time you've been to the mansion, except this time you're more anxious than anything. You walk down the halls, and the closer you get to the door, the sweatier your palms get. You stop at the door, just staring ahead. You're not sure whether to walk in or turn around and run.

"I take it you're not standing there because you're a fan of mahogany." Lex's voice startles you, and it dawns on you that you were so distracted that you didn't even hear him walk up to you.

"L-Lex." you turn to him, and the anxiety increases. He steps forward, pushing the door opening for you. You walk inside, and he follows behind. He makes his way to the desk, and you stand in front of him, fidgeting. How do you go about your apology. You had it all scripted in your head, but now it feels like you can't remember a thing.

"I came here because well, I'm sure you know why I just thought I should tell you to your face. You know because I was..I didn't.." you're stumbling over your words.

"You don't have to apologize, you got scared. I understand. "

You still feel horrible.

"(Y/N), I need you to know that I'd never let anyone hurt you. I know how much Clark cares about you, and you're my friend. There's no way I'd let my father hurt you. I promise. " you smile up at him. "Clark said the same thing, did you guys rehearse that. " you say jokingly.

"Maybe." you laugh, and it brings a smile to Lex's face.

"I wish I was more like Clark." you speak with a sigh. He would have never run away. Knowing Clark he would have stood up to Lionel.

"Don't beat yourself up. My dad can be intimidating, among other things. I'm sorry that you felt so scared that you had to run." He turns his back, there's no doubt guilt on his face. "You aren't the only one who envies Clark's strength. His ability to see the best in everything, everyone.." The way he says it, it's like he's referring to himself. In some sad way you get what he's trying to convey. He doubts himself, and it's all because of the Luthor name. He doesn't have the luxury of making mistakes or showing weakness. Because he's constantly being scrutinized by those around him.

"Clark isn't the only one with a heart you know." You move in, and Lex turns slowly. "Lex, at the end of the day, you're human. The very fact that you're here beating up yourself for something you didn't even do should be proof enough. You're a good man, regardless of what anyone thinks or says. So how about you cut yourself some slack, hmmm."

Whenever Lex smiles, it feels like the best thing ever. The one he wears now, well it makes you happy. You haven't seen that glimmer in his eyes in a while. One week felt like such a long time. Maybe it's because you'd gotten so used to him being around.

"Thank you (Y/N)." your brows knit.

"For what?"

"For giving me another chance. "


He spends so long seeking validation that maybe friendship, honest friendship is still a bit foreign to him.

You just settle for a nod.

"You're welcome." 

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