Chapter 8

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"Wow, I have to say I think I fell for baby Lex Luthor. "

He smiles at that, closing the album. "It's the hair, isn't it?" you can't hold back your laughter, and Lex looks content. When you've recovered, you wipe at the edge of your eyes, glancing at you. 

"What?" you say between chuckles. You pull your feet slightly under you, adjusting your position on the couch.

 "I'm just thinking about how much self control it's going to take for me to wait until you graduate." you flush at that. 

Damn him and his smooth words. 

"That right there, I think it's why I fell for you as hard as I did." you peak at him through your eyelashes.


"Maybe it's your innocence. You don't try to hide how you feel. At least not about me. I can see it all on your face. It's raw and real." He leans in a bit closer, and your eyelids are already lowering. He leaves a brief kiss on your lips, and you stare. A part of you wonders how you got this lucky. Then that voice in the back of your head echoes. The change on your face is instant.

"What's wrong?" He questions. You swallow.

"Lex, there's something that I..I have to tell you. " You stand, and Lex doesn't like the way you try to distance yourself from him. He follows, reaching out for you, but you keep him at arm's length. "Tell me what's wrong." He sounds a bit panicked. "Did my father threaten you?" He looks like he's ready to summon a cavalry to go after his dad. You shake your head. You hesitate for a split second, but then you walk over, taking his hand. "Just follow me." He does, all the way outside. He can feel just how anxious you are. Once you're no longer in the confines of his mansion, you feel like you can breathe easier. You move to get into your car, but Lex stops you, taking your hand.

"Where are we going? What's this about?"

"Lex, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do." you can't help but smile at how quickly he said that. "Okay." He slowly releases your hand, moving to the passenger seat. He gets it, whatever this is, you're being careful. You start the car, taking off, hoping that once you're to where you need to be, you'll still have the courage you hold now.


Exiting the car, Lex is a little confused on why you're at the kent farm. None of them appear to be home either. Clark's truck is gone, and so is Jonathan's. You park, stepping out, and so does Lex. "I really needed to be somewhere where I feel safe to show you what I need to. This is where we first met and I figured, it should be the place where I was honest with you."

"Honest about what exactly?" Was there something you were keeping from him?

You aren't sure you can verbalize what needs to be said. You don't want him to think you're some nutjob. So maybe a visual demonstration is the better choice. Trying to ease into it wouldn't work out. He needed to know it, full on.

"Lex I'm.." you take a breath.

"I'm not normal."

He shifts, waiting for you to elaborate. Tightening your fist. You take a step. This time when your feet touch the ground, Lex can do nothing but gape. The whiplash of the wind hits him right in the face. All he sees are the orange streaks that he can only assume have originated from your body. It zips right behind him, and he turns in a haste. You're standing behind him now, about ten feet away.

"I'm a speedster. "

Lex is still wearing that look of shock and you aren't sure what else. You pray it isn't fear.

"Please..say something." You sound a bit desperate. You want to walk over to him, but if he moves away, that would crush you, so you keep the distance, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. "I guess it's not as easy to accept this." You were just so tired of hiding it. How could you expect him to trust you wholeheartedly if you were lying to him.

"Lex I-"

"Why did you tell me?" That's not the question you're expecting. But you answer nonetheless.

"Because I trust you. You're someone I want to share the important parts of my life with Lex. I haven't had these abilities for long and there's still thing even I don't understand, but I don't want to be afraid of confiding in you, because I really do think're the one. The one I'm supposed to be with."

He can barely believe it. Not only were you the women he'd fallen so hopelessly in love with, but it would seem you were indeed a superhuman. And here he just thought you were naturally gifted for him. You were gifted, that was for sure.

"You're a speedster?" He asks curiously. Your smile is possibly as bright as the sun. He 's moving closer. Not running or screaming in fear. You zoom over and he jolts at your sudden appearance. 

"S-Sorry!" you needed to exercise some restraint.

"It's fine. You just..startled me a little."

"Sometimes I forget just how fast I am." you're nervous again, and Lex can't hide his smile. He holds his hands out for you. "Will you show me?" You want to take his hand and whisk him away, but you hesitate.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." So you take his hand, linking your fingers. This is by far the best day of your life. You're about to take off, but he squeezes your hand and you stop. "Thank you (Y/N)."

"For what?"

"For trusting me with your secret."

You can't express how happy you are that this turned out so well. You step to him, kissing him tenderly. When you pull apart, you smile.

"Thank you, for accepting every part of me."

There's no greater gift that he could ever give you. 

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