Chapter 16

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"So you're from the Future?"


When they had gathered into the house. You sat on the couch, right next to Lex. Shamelessly flirting the entire time. They'd been lucky to get you to focus long enough to tell them more about what was going on.

"Then where is (Y/N)?"

"I am her."

"N-Not this you. The other you. Past you."

"I know what you meant, I was just pulling your leg. "

You stand, zipping over to the kitchen to grab an apple. You drop back next to Lex, taking a bite. 

"Relax, she'll come back. Truthfully, it's not like we really switch places. I was there when she went to the future, so I knew when she'd be there. Where she would end up. I was a little bored, and I figured my Lex would keep her company. So I came back to get a taste of her Lex." 

You bite the apple suggestively, winking at him and he averts his eyes, cheeks a little red. He couldn't believe he was actually blushing. Better yet. 

How did you get so good at flirting?

Clark looks like he'd rather be anywhere else, because you're like a sister to him. And you were coming on to his best friend. It wasn't the greatest thing he could be watching right now.

"She'll be back soon, so don't worry too much. In the meantime, me and mr. handsome here are gonna be busy." 

You toss the apple into the bin from your seat before standing. Lex rises, still lost.

"Wait just a minute, you haven't really explained anything? How can we even trust you? "He takes a step back, and now they're all looking at you like you're an intruder. You expect it. The Kents have always been protective, especially when it came to you. You look at Lex, now more serious and his dissolve seems to waver. 

Because the love in your eyes, he's seen it too many times not to believe that this is truly you. Taking a step to him, you're wearing a smile, taking his hand. Even though it's clear you've gotten older, he's still a bit taller than you. You reach up, wrapping your hand around his neck. He doesn't tense, just looks into your eyes.

"I love you."

He can't speak, because it's almost like the very first time you said those words to him.

"It is you..."

"Sure is! Now let's go." you give no warning, just take off with him. Clark stands there, stunned.


"Clark's loft is exactly the same, it really hasn't changed. " 

You fall backwards on his little couch, grinning. Lex can't help but stare. You were so different, yet the same. He's standing at the side, observing everything about you. The biggest question he wants to ask is if the both of you are still together in the future. Yet he knows he shouldn't. He'd seen enough time based movies to know that asking about the future is the number one rule you shouldn't break.

"Are you gonna stare at me all day?" you're sitting upright, patting the seat.

"Come on, I don't bite." He follows, taking a seat next to you. He turns to ask you a question, but you lean forward, silencing him with a kiss. He tenses up, and the minute you pull him in, and he takes in your scent, feels the warmth of your fingertips against the back of his neck, he can't help but respond. 

He pushes you slowly, and you land softly on your back, sighing happily. Lex climbs on top, hooking his fingers behind your knees as he slides between your legs. You welcome every tender touch. It's only when he feels a small jolt of electricity, he parts. Not because of pain, but because of the pleasure that surged through his body at the spark. He stares at you, panting. 

"What..was that..." he huffs out in between breaths.

"Felt good didn't it?" you smirk, and he wants to pounce on you. This side of you, although surprising. It really challenges him.

"Word of advice, when the other me comes back, just listen to her." 

He wants to question what he should listen to, but you press another kiss to his lips. One second you're there, the next, you're gone, and he jumps to his feet, searching.


A body crashes into him, and he falls back on the floor with a grunt. When he lifts his head with a groan, you're staring down at him.


You're on top of him, and you scramble. When Lex looks at you fully. Relief is apparent.


He says it softly, and you fidget, still a bit embarrassed at the previous position. He can't stop the smile on his face.

"You're back."

That's all that really matters to him 

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