Chapter 1

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"How did that.."

Clark looked up at you with an awkward smile.

"Let's just say you're not the only runner around here." You straightened from your partially bent position, looking over at the little boy who was no longer in the line of danger.

"Do you have a minute? I feel like there's a bit we need to talk about. "

"Of course." This was the first time you'd met another speedster, like hell were you going to pass it up.


"So you aren't just a speedster?"

Clark invited you to his home to discuss the little discovery. Earlier you'd just been in the right place at the right time. Some kid almost got run over, but you rushed over to help. But you weren't the only one. Clark apparently saw the danger and had the same thought, but you'd already gotten the boy out of danger, and seen Clark move.

"I' unusual case." he offered. His mother walked in. "Can I get you anything, something to drink. " You shake your head, her husband is not far behind.

"I-I'm okay Mrs. Kent." You were still trying to wrap your head around this.

"This might be a stretch but are you related to Bart?"

"Bart, who's Bart?" That confused you.

"He's, well he's just like you. "

"He's a speedster too!"


"Wow.." So you really weren't alone. There were more people like you out there.

"Clark told us what you did, saving that little boy. That was very brave of you." You rubbed your arm bashfully at Martha's statement. "W-Well I mean anyone would have done the same you know." you move your hand along the counter with a nervous laugh, accidentally nudging a glass, with a quick move you grab it before it hits the ground.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy sometimes it just gets away with me." You placed the glass back down quickly, tucking a strand of hair out of your face.


All three kents just smile.

You were so painfully awkward around them. A knock on the door distracts them, and you sigh with relief. Clark races to get it, and you lean back on the counter.

"Lex, what a nice surprise. " Martha's eyes light up, and you turn at the new face. Clark is wearing a big smile, so you guess they're pretty good friends. His eyes move to the unfamiliar face. "Looks like I'm not the only guest today, I hope you don't mind. I bought something." He's holding what you can only assume is an expensive bottle of wine, if his tailored suit is any indication. Martha takes it gratefully, ushering Jonathan into the kitchen to help her set up. "Thank you Lex." They're off in a matter of seconds. It's then that you realize that it's getting pretty late. They're obviously about to set up for dinner. With the topic of your powers you sort of lost track of time. "So who is this?" Lex questions.

"This is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Lex."

"Lex Luthor." he says, holding out his hand.

"Woah you're Lex Luthor!" He chuckles, and you shake his hand a bit clumsily.

"Sorry, that was weird. Of course, what other guy is there with the name Lex Luthor, am I right?" Lex is wearing a little grin, proud that he has you flustered.

"A-Anyway I need to get going, I'll check you later Clark."

"Wait, why don't you stay for dinner."

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