Two lovers entwine <3

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No ones pov:

"Wake up Amor aves~!" Mirabel was her usual peppy self in the morning.You giggled at the fact she called you love birds but you slowly got up noticing Camilo was still sound asleep.

"wake up amor, you going to miss breakfast."

"5 more minutesssss" He was stubborn and didn't move. So like any good girlfriend you sat on his back as he begged for you to get off him with making an occasional groan.

"Y/NnnnNnN get offf i'll get up i'll get up"

"alright but i'm gonna be stealing your food if your not"

"NO YOU WON'T!" You ran down the stairs and grabbed as much food as you could on your plate and sat in a seat. Camilo who wasn't far behind you grabbed a ton of food and sat next to you.

"You look like you haven't slept in years."

"Oh shut up Y/N" You both giggled as everyone else sat down. Abuela gave her usual morning talk about what to do today. You finished up your breakfast and grabbed Camilo. His job for the day was baby sitting. You could tell the kids missed him but you didn't quite know why.

"Hey! Is that the girl you had always talked about?"


"Awh you talk about me?"

"Oh he doesn't just TALK about you! He's the guy who ranted on about you all day!" You locked eyes with Camilo for a split second before he coughed and switched into a ton of people. You giggled and slightly blushed. The day went on with you both telling stories to the kids, playing soccer, or just about anything the kids suggested.

"well I guess me and Camilo got to leave."

"nooo" All of the kids wanted both you and Camilo to stay.

"Mrs. Madrigal do you have to leave?'' you got a little flustered by the name but ignored it.

"well I'm sorry little one but i have to leave"

"YEP WE GOTTA GO BYE!" Camilo pulled you away from all of the kids.


"WE GOTTA GO OR THEIR GONNA KEEP US HERE ALL DAY!" Despite wanting to stay you and Camilo ran to the house.

"Woah! Camilo!"

"Sorry!" Camilo rushed through the house with you dragging along. When he finally got to his room you flopped on your stomach.

"You good Y/N/N"(Y/N/N = your nick name)

"what did you call me?''


"If you can call me a nickname, I'm going to call you... Cammy!"

"Uhm.." You could tell he was blushing but you were to excited about the idea to notice. "Sure that's a good nickname!" Camilo let out a hand for you to get up.

"Well we better get to dinner" When you got up you held hands and walked to the dinner table. You sat down with the family and began to eat. Camilo was shaking his leg rapidly. He saw that you noticed and looked away. You put your hand on his leg calming him a bit. He let out a sigh and gave a weak smile at you. You grasped his hand tightly to make him feel safe and like you'd never let go.

"So, mijo, how are you?"

"I uhm I-I'm good"

"Good, and Y/N, how are you"

"I'm good!"

"So are you and Camilo dating?"

Mi encantadora - female reader x Camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now