Mi amor

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no ones pov:

        The house had been up for two days but you on the other hand you haven't woken up. Day after day Julieta fed you anything she could make but for some reason it didn't work. Camilo was hard on himself, he blamed himself, wishing he would have made it up with you before you fell ill. He sit by your bed holding your hand when no one was in the room.

Y/N's pov:

     It was like a dark void. My brain wouldn't wake up. I wanted so bad to just wake up. I heard every word that came out of my dad's, Mirabel's, and worst of all Camilo's mouth just begging me to wake up. It was so hard to bear through it all. 

Camilo's pov:

     It's all my fault. If i had just never said those things maybe you'd still be here.. with me... If i could feel your hand grasping mine one more time or your voice laughing at my stupid scream.. 

"Don't be to hard on yourself kid.."  Y/N's dad walked in on me shit.

"Oh im sorry- i was just uhm"

"No need to explain", " She was a great kid.." I stayed silent. "i know she'll make it, ever since she was little she always was the toughest when it came to sicknesses"

"I hope she does, I truly hope she does"

"Oh uhm sorry i forgot but your Mama wants you back home.." I could tell he was crying but I pretended not to notice.

"oh uhm thanks"

"No problem.."

No ones's pov:

    Camilo walked home as the kids walked next to him.

 "Hey do you wanna play?"

"not now"

"why? what's wrong?"

"it's nothing"

"it's something!"

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING!" Camilo broke down. He'd been holding his emotions the whole time but they all came out as he fell to his knees. Dolores heard him and told Pepa. They both ran to his side comforting him as he cried. They held him close as he held his heart.

"It hurts so bad mama..."

"i know baby.. shhh" Pepa comforted him rubbing his head. Mirabel watched this all happen. She hated how hurt Camilo was and the fact that he hid it everyday but she didn't know what to do. She partly blamed herself because she never told you to stay or turn back. You were in a coma for a whole week and still Camilo was never the same.

"Julieta! get Julieta!" Julieta ran inside the casa to see.. you were awake! She quickly gave you a Buñuelos to heal you. Your scratches and wounds disappeared. 

"Where is Camilo?!" You jumped out of bed and started to get clothes to wear because you were in shorts and a hoodie. You put on a simple dress and ran out the door with Julieta just nodding her head. "Teenage love" she thought to herself. You ran while tripping and stumbling a decent amount of times due to being in bed for so long. You made it to the casita where you were immediately pulled into a hug by Mirabel.

"I'm so sorry i didn't help you sooner Y/N! I'm so glad your back!" You felt her tears on your neck as you both tugged on each other. You noticed the house was different but payed no mind to it because you were so focused on finding Camilo. You ran to his door, knocked on it just in case yet your body was practically hopping with excitement. He opened the door looking like he hadn't slept in weeks. He saw you and froze.

"Y-Y/N?" You practically jumped onto him causing him to stumble. You tightly hugged him while crying, after a second he grasped you and teared up.

"Y/N im so s-sorry! I-I take back everything!"

"Shh you big dummy none of that matters!" You both fell to your knees, And without thinking you blurted out.

"I love you mi amor!" you were reder than a tomato but that didn't matter.

"I love you too mi vida" You swear that hug went on for hours. When you to finally ended the hug you did something that would stick with Camilo forever, you kissed him. Even though it went on for at most 10 seconds it felt like forever. He turned bright red but you just got up and pulled him to his feet. Mirabel walked over squealing , you assumed because she had shipped you and Camilo for a while but you ignored it. Mirabel gave you a short tour showing you the "new foundation" while showing the family you had left your coma. You were exhausted due to not having this much excitement so you decided to stay. Of course Mirabel was the first to suggest for you to stay in her room but Camilo quickly piped in.

"Uhm she could stay with me.." he said in a slightly hushed tone. You found it adorable how soft he was now. To Mirabel's sadness you decided to stay in Camilo's room, you need to sort out the dinner situation later.

* Time skip to when they were in Camilo's room

"So this is my room.. ignore all the mirrors i don't have control of those-"


"you know, well i know i'm not a girl but, shouldn't you wear something else other than a dress to bed?"

"Oh i totally forgot about that"

"I could turn into to you and got get clothes for you if your to tired to.."

"would you really do that? It would be reall-" Before you finished Camilo was you and running to your house. You giggled a little bit at his anticipation. He was back not to long later with a hoodie and basketball shorts. 

"this looked like the most comfortable things in your room"

"Thank you so much Camilo!"

"It's no problem really" You went to the bathroom and quickly changed. When you walked in the room again Camilo had some type of book he was reading. This book looked familiar though. Was that.. your diary?!

"Hey! Give that back!"

"were you really writing about me?" You swear you looked like a tomato at that moment. You grabbed the book back while looking at the page he was reading. It was indeed the page about Camilo, It even had a little sketch of him at the bottom. You sighed before throwing yourself on the floor with your hands on your face. 

"AHHHH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO READ ITTTT" you screamed into your hands.

"What? You got something in there you don't want me to read?" 

"NO!" you removed you hands from you face for a moment to yell at him. He flopped on the floor laying right next to you.

"Well amor, seems like we both got something we don't want each other to know"

"what do you mean?'' His cheeks turned a little red.

"Y/N, i knew you were stupid but i didn't think you were this stupid"


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, but I thought you knew this by now.", "Y/N, i like you, I have a pretty good feeling that you don't but when i said all of those things after dinner.. i didn't mean any of them. When you were in the coma i sat next to you everyday wishing that you were awake and hoping you were ok." He turned to his side to look at you. "Heck i even chatted with your dad about you." (He left out the part where he broke down in the middle of town ofc) " i guess im just trying t-" Without a word you kissed him, maybe out of pitty, maybe you just wanted him to stop talking but you kissed him no matter the reason.

"shut up hermoso, before you say anything else i have to ask, Will you be mine?" Camilo not only was red but he was sweating bullets.

"I- uhm- y-yes! of course i will!" he managed to get his sentence out finally. You jumped on top of him and hugged him. When you got up you put out you hand to help him up and you both fell asleep happy you got your emotions out.

Mi encantadora - female reader x Camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now