No.11 Contrasting Ideals

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~~Your POV~~

You finally reached the Winery after several minutes of walking and deafening silence. The maids were quick to ask if Master Diluc was okay, but he only nodded and mainly brushed off their concern. He quickly walked you up some stairs and past a few bedrooms, opening the door and holding it for you.

"Thank you, Master Diluc." You whispered as you rubbed your arms gently, pretending that you were cold to mask your unfamiliarity. He walked in as well, closing the door behind you and striding to the closet in the corner of the room. As he removed his jacket, you noticed the large gash on his shoulder causing you to gasp.

"M-Master Diluc, you're bleeding..." You whispered before rushing to his side and carefully peeling away the blood-soaked shirt from his skin. He winced slightly, your hand retracting in response as you looked to him.

"I'm sorry, here, I'll help." You whispered, poking your head out of the door and asking one of the maids if they could bring you a rag and some warm water.

You quickly came back inside the room, noticing Master Diluc's silence that seemed very unsettling to you. His crimson eyes then met yours, silent and intimidating.

"You're such a kind woman, Miss Y/n. It makes me wonder if..." he then trailed off into more silence before breaking eye contact and sitting beside you on the bed.

"Wonder what, Master Diluc?" You asked, walking to the door and taking the items from the maid. You approached him and tightened your grip slightly on the ceramic bowl as his pupils were glued to you.

He only gave a small smile, looking down at his hands and shaking his head. "Nothing, nothing at all." Shaking off his words, you worked quickly to try and find a way to roll up his sleeve past his arm muscles.

"It's fine, here..."

Master Diluc then began unbuttoning his shirt and slipping his left arm from the sleeve so that the injury would be exposed to the cold air. You nodded in affirmation before taking the wet rag in your hand and pressing it gently against his arm. His hisses of pain rang in the air, causing you to quickly flinch back.

"I'm sorry, truly. Please, try to bear with it for now." You whispered and watched Master Diluc nod. You sat in more silence that was on the brink of awkwardness, until the said man turned to you.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you and Kaeya fought?" His sudden question threw you off guard, and you froze. You looked up to him, noticing that his eyes were already on you as your gazes locked. You broke away, furrowing your brows and looking to his arm instead.

"Master Diluc-"

"Just Diluc is fine. After all, you're the lover of my brother, so it is only fitting that you use my proper first name." He cut you off, and you felt your nerves ease up a small amount.

"Okay... Diluc. The reason Kaeya and I fought was because we just have different views. He wants me to break my loyalty to something we were both sworn to, and I tell him time and time again that we mustn't." You paused as you gave a sigh, feeling tears barely bubble in your waterlines.

"My family will always matter so much to me; Kaeya knows that. Yet, he knows that he means the world to me, and I can't help but detest him for making me feel like I must choose. After all, it doesn't seem as though anything will happen soon. Not ever since the fall of-"
You cut yourself off just in time.

"...Khaenri'ah?" Diluc finished, causing your breath to hitch and your eyes to widen. He gave a gentle smile towards your reaction before focusing his sight onto the wall. "Kaeya told me, the same week my father passed away." He continued and you felt your worries melt away.

"I despised him. I wanted to kill Kaeya so badly, but looking back on it now I realize just how horribly I acted." You pulled the damp towel away from his arm and placed it in the bowl of now red-tinted water.

"Yet, you haven't told anyone about our secret?" You questioned, and Diluc merely shook his head. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, your hands reaching for the gauze that was beside the water bowl. You quickly brought it up to Diluc's arm and began snugly wrapping it around his bare skin.

"Miss Y/n, I can't help but long to understand you." He began, and you looked to him. "Despite your lineage, despite your ideals, you still choose to help those that see differently than you. Why is that?" He inquired, and you bit your bottom lip in contemplation.

"We're all beings filled with life. Whether we like it or not, we're forced to live amongst each other. Who am I to judge the ideology of those who were simply born differently than me?" You rhetorically asked, and Diluc only gave a small chuckle before looking to his now bandaged arm.

"That's certainly a mature way of seeing things, Miss Y/n." He spoke with a hint of teasing, and you shook your head while smiling.

"Just Y/n is fine, in turn." You corrected him with a gentle grin. He seemed confused for a moment before nodding and looking back to the wall of the room. "Which reminds me... I must ask, why did you bring me back?"

Diluc tensed up at your question, his eyes silently pondering what the right words would be to say in this situation.

"Y/n, you mean a lot to my brother. Sure, he's irresponsible and maybe even selfish, but he truly loves you. Even someone as I, can see it clear as day." He spoke to you, causing your heart to flutter at his words.

"He did what he did this morning out of the necessity of vengeance for you. He wanted nothing more than to kill that man for what he did to you. Therefore I must ask, is what Kaeya said true?" His crimson gaze bore into yours as you fell quiet.

"...Yes, it is." You answered just barely above a whisper. Such an atrocity was beyond your understanding of a persons' capability. How can someone live with themself for doing that to someone?

"I deeply apologize, Y/n. Rest assured, you will be safe for as long as you reside here: in the Dawn Winery." He whispered while placing his hand gently on your shoulder. You felt comfort from his words, and you sighed deeply while feeling your eyelids lower.

"I appreciate your hospitality, Diluc. I'm truly forever in your debt." At your words he only shook his head and took your hand in his.

"Nothing of the sort. Think of this as repayment for being there for Kaeya all the times that I couldn't." He assured while giving your palm a gentle squeeze. Your mind became fuzzy under his gaze, until he blinked a few times and cleared his throat.

"Yes, of course. If you'd like, I can escort you to the room you'll be staying in?" He offered, holding his hand out to you. You nodded and took his outstretched hand as you walked out of the room. Things were peaceful, the silence so wonderful that it felt unnatural in a way.

Diluc finally opened a door and revealed a room fit for a nobleman. You were a bit lost for words, but you turned to him and thanked him nonetheless. He insisted it was nothing and gave a small bow to you before departing the room.

"Pleasant dreams, Y/n." He whispered just before closing the door, and you smiled in appreciation.

Perhaps, time away from Kaeya was what you needed to truly re-evaluate your views on certain things. You looked out one of the windows in the room, placing your hand on the windowsill.

"I hope you're okay, love." You whispered to yourself as you watched the sky filled with oranges and pinks fade into a dark indigo and the sky sprinkle with stars.

Word count: 1372

(A/n: I hope you all liked this chapter<3)

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