No.14 Khaenri'ah's Last Hopes

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You awoke the next morning, achy and sore as you moved ever so slightly. Bare flesh tensed beneath your fingers, and you looked to see that your hand was resting on Kaeya's chest. His sleeping face was peaceful and serene as you looked to him.

You ran your hand up his chest and trailed your fingers along his collarbone gently. His eyes twitched beneath his eyelids, his brows furrowing slightly due to your touch.

Despite my aching, you found the strength within yourself to sit upright and straddle Kaeya's hips. He felt the friction and opened his eyes to meet your own. He let out a low sigh before smiling and bringing you down to him.

Your lips met in unison, meshing together as if molded for you and for you alone. Your bare chest pressed against his, tremors blooming across your skin while his hands massaged your hips.

"Good morning, my darling." He groaned through your kiss. You pulled away and sat upright, running your fingers through your hair as your free hand balanced against his toned abs.

"Good morning, my love." You replied. You knew that your breasts were still exposed, but you didn't really care as much as you would've before. "Thank you for last night, Kaeya. I cherished every moment of it." You whispered while leaning down and pressing your mouth to his neck.

His sensitive tendons of muscle flexed beneath your lips, his throat tensing with every staggered breath he took. "Y-Yes, of course. Anything for my p-precious... Y/n~" he whispered out to you. "However, there is still one more thing we need to do." Kaeya spoke in a more stern tone, holding your shoulders and eying your gaze with his heterochromatic irises.

"Y/n, I'm freeing you from the Abyss. By order of the last Prince of Khaenri'ah, final descendent of royal blood and status." He told you, placing one hand on your hip and cradling your cheek with the other.

You closed your eyes and nodded, leaning into his touch as you rocked your hips gently against his grasp. You took his hand in yours and began placing supple kisses against his fingertips, never breaking eye contact.

"My my, Y/n... it's so amusing to see you practically wrapped around my finger~" he mused with a smirk. You stopped your movements, staring at him challengingly before leaning down and balancing yourself by pressing your palms on his shoulders.

"Let's not get things switched up here, Kaeya." You whispered in a taunting tone. "We both know very well that if I were to do what I pleased, you would surely be at my mercy... begging and pleading like a child for me to either show sympathy or do more."

Hearing your cockiness caused Kaeya to fall quiet, his breath caught in his throat as you gave another smile to his silence. You kissed his lips one last time before sliding off of his hips and placing your feet on the wooden floor.

You walked to his dresser to look for something to wear. After some digging around, you found a long sleeve shirt and you pulled out a pair of his boxers. Pulling both of the clothing pieces onto your body, you turned to see Kaeya gazing devilishly at your bare legs.

"It's rude to stare, sir." You teased while walking towards him at a tantalizingly slow pace. Kaeya's eyes traversed up your curves to your eyes, glinting with mischief as he stood up fully from the bed.

His bare body was no new sight, but it didn't stop you from sucking in a breath and trying to suppress your reddened cheeks. He grabbed the hem of the boxers around your waist, pulling your flush against him as your lips were a mere centimeter apart.

"What's wrong with appreciatively staring at what's mine?" He questioned before pulling down the collar of the shirt and kissing your neck. You sighed a small amount before holding his shoulders and prying him from your sore skin.

"Oh? Who said I was yours?"

Your question made him smirk, then give a small chuckle before he took your hands and pulled them upwards. Now with them around his neck, he took your fingers and made you feel the ridges of the scratches you'd left on him the previous night.

"These combined with what's on your collarbones and neck, I think it's completely obvious that you, Y/n... are mine." He replied, and your breath audibly hitched at his words.

Gods, he made you feel things that you had no explanation for. Bashful, yet prideful at once. He kissed your red cheek, his lips a cooler contrast to your heated skin as he held his hands on your waist.

"I'll... g-go make breakfast. Then we'll depart whenever you want." You tried recovering without embarrassment as you pulled away from Kaeya bashfully. He only gave a proud chuckle before nodding and squeezing your ass through the boxers.

It gave you shivers, good ones of course. You wanted to scold him, but you let it slide instead and began making your way to the kitchen.

"Come on, Y/n. Let's get going." Kaeya spoke as he slipped his eyepatch back over his right eye. You let out a hum of confirmation before taking your adventurers bag and slinging it over your shoulder.

"So what exactly is the plan? Are we... going to walk all the way to the Abyss?" You asked in nervousness. Kaeya noted this, turning to you before shaking his head in denial.

"No, no of course not. What we're going to do is much more simple." He began, taking your hands gently in his and leading you out the front door. "Abyss Mages are scattered all around Teyvat. All we need to do is find one and tell it to deliver our message."

You thought about the idea, the sound of absolute wrath that would come to pass from the Abyss Heralds and Abyss Lectors when learning of your betrayal. To say you were scared was an understatement, your being filled with fear and adrenaline as you kept walking.

"The first place I can think of is Windrise. If not, we can keep looking." He went on, your pace quickening as the view of Mondstadt's gate came into view. A breeze was felt through your clothes, and you smiled at the cooling sensation.

Not to far away from the bridge, you saw the large tree that was known for being a place of prayers and guidance. Windrise was only a little ways away when you finally turned to Kaeya and held his hand tightly.

"Kaeya... what if they try and take me? You can't fight all of them by yourself..." Your voice trailed off in defeat as the mere thought of it made you shudder. He stopped for a moment before smiling, pressing his forehead tenderly against yours as your fingers remained intertwined.

"Even so, there are three men that I know would help me protect you. Some of the most esteemed fighters if I do say so myself." He replied, causing your brows to furrow. 'Three?' You thought internally before he kissed your lips gently.

"Diluc, Albedo, and Dainslief." He answered, and your eyes widened. Dainslief was a name you hadn't heard in years, and it made your mind become fuzzy with past occurrences you and him had years prior.

"Dain..." You whispered out, and you continued walking. "Do you really think he would? I mean- he has his own dealings with the Abyss, and I would hate to rope him into all of this." You admitted as a Hydro Abyss Mage came into view.

"Kaeya! Y/n! Oh, how relieved the Princess will feel when she sees that you two are safe and reunited!" The Abyss Mage exclaimed as it saw you and Kaeya walk towards it hand in hand.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." He whispered as you halted in front of it. You sucked in a breath and held it, praying that things would go the best way possible.

"Tell the Princess that Y/n and I will no longer be associated with the Abyssal forces, or the title of. 'Khaenri'ah's Last Hopes' for that matter."

And just like that...

All mental hell broke loose.

Word count: 1387

(A/n: sorry this took so long to write, school has been SEVERELY tiring lately :( love you all!)

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