No.15 A Future to Protect

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"What?? But- But my prince, you can't-!" The Mage tried, tightening its grip on the wand in its hand. Kaeya only held up his hand, signaling for silence as he pulled you slightly behind him.

"As the final descendant of Khaenri'ah's monarchy, I order it by royal decree." His words were sure, filled with certainty as he furrowed his brows. The Mage remained speechless, looking down until its gaze fixated itself on you.

"What have you to say about this, my lady?" It asked, and you pursed your lips into a thin line. The Abyss was your home, no matter how badly you wanted to deny it. So many years of training and loneliness shaped you to be the person who you were now, and you hated yourself for it.

Perhaps, had you and Kaeya met under more amicable circumstances, maybe you would be living completely different lives.

"Let's make a wager." Kaeya spoke up before you, and you halted what you were going to say. "If you free Y/n from the Abyss, I will keep their intentions under wraps. Don't, and I will tell Mondstadt and all of the Knights of Favonius about what you plan to do to the archons."

Seeing an opportunity to speak, you quickly added to Kaeya's statement, being sure to show that you wanted nothing more than peace.

"I think that... the time of hatred for the Gods must come to an end. Through our wrath, we've lost what it truly meant to be subjects of Khaenri'ah. Our entire philosophical purpose was to be dependent, and have no need for a god. But, by resenting the gods and being what we are now, it means nothing to us if our only purpose now is to destroy them."

After you spoke, your hand tightened its grip on Kaeya's hand, and he did the same in turn.

"Y/n is right. Our hatred and resentment is all we stand for as a nation, the same nation that is now lost to us. All I want... is for Y/n to be safe. It was her that opened my eyes to the atrocities that have been committed, both to and from the Abyss." He spoke, turning to you with saddened eyes.

You gave a small smile, him returning one as well. "I may not know everything that goes on in the Abyss, but what I do know is that I am deeply in love with the woman beside me." With that, he pressed his lips gently to your forehead, his touch lingering as he pulled away.

"Because of that fact, it means that I'm willing to do anything to protect her..." suddenly he turned to the Mage with a less-friendly expression. "...Even from my own people."

The Mage remained quiet, turning away before looking to you both once again. "I will see to it that the Princess receives your message. Good luck, to the both of you." Those were its last words before vanishing into thin air, leaving nothing but silence afterwards.

You were frozen for a bit, as was Kaeya. You both turned to each other before taking deep breaths, your heartbeats intensifying.



With that, you embraced each other tightly. He lifted you by your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. His touch would always be a necessity of yours, and the reality set in that you would now have it forever.

Tears left your eyes out of pure happiness. You were finally free, and so was Kaeya. You were now free to love one another for the rest of your days, never separating again.

"Y/n, let's go back to Mondstadt. There's something I want to show you." He whispered as he wiped your tears from your cheeks. You nodded at his words, and he held your hands as you walked back across the bridge.

You laughed, smiling and conversing as the cobblestone clacked against your boots. In your peripheral vision, you saw a flickering glow, followed by more as your eyes ran across the length of the bridge's ledge.

You focused your eyes to see that they were candles, their flame burning brightly along with the sunset-filled sky. Your heartbeat rang in your ears as you turned to Kaeya, filled with confusion.

"What's all of this?" You asked in an unsure tone. He said nothing as he kept his gaze focused ahead. You kept walking, and there were candles all along the edges of the street, all the way to Angel's Share.

He gestured for you to open the door, and you did so. Upon pushing it open, it was shrouded in complete darkness, causing you to squint into the building. The lights suddenly came on, and the first people you saw were the traveler and Paimon.

"Welcome back, Y/n!" They chanted in unison, accompanied by Diluc, Jean, Lisa, and Albedo. It was only them, and Kaeya held your lower back as he escorted you into the building. You gave a bashful smile as you looked around the room, gazing at the decorations that adorned the walls.

"We spent the last few hours decorating and renovating the bar for this occasion." Diluc spoke as he stepped from behind the counter and opened his arms for an embrace.

You gave a large smile before accepting it gratefully, wrapping your arms around his back as you pressed the side of your face into his chest.

"I don't understand, what's this occasion you speak of?" You questioned, only for Diluc to look behind you and gesture his eyes for you to do the same. You quirked a brow before fully turning around, noticing that Kaeya was near the floor.

He was on one knee, and his hands were pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. Your body was frozen, and your heartbeat reverberated through your ears as he smiled adoringly at you from below.

"Y/n, from the time we were children to this moment, you've always been the woman I love and adore. From the minute I first saw you, you've never once left my mind for as long as I've lived and breathed. You're my very reason for existing, and I've been created from a mold that was shaped to mesh perfectly with you."

He then flipped open the lid to the box, revealing the white gold and diamond ring. It was a beautiful contrast to the black velvet box, and it was slightly shaking due to Kaeya's nervousness.

"Y/n L/n, will you do me the honor and give me the absolute privilege... of marrying me and becoming my wife?" He asked with a nervous tone.

It was as if all time stopped, tears falling from your eyes as you tried to speak but couldn't. You only nodded, slow at first before more vigorously. You quickly leapt into his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands wrapping around your waist.

"Yes, yes I will!" You whisper-yelled before taking the collar of his uniform and pulling him towards you. There were multiple cheers in the room as Kaeya's lips remained pressed against yours.

You pulled away and he slipped the ring onto your left ring finger. You gazed at it in mesmerization before smiling and kissing him once again.

You were going to marry your prince, your savior if you will. You and Kaeya were going to grow old and have children of your own, and you refused to let anything get in the way of your future.

His touch never wavered as your minds were both filled with the same thoughts:

'I can't wait for our wedding.'

Word count: 1283


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