No.17 "Let's Make A Wager"

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"Come my darling, we must be off to see your Uncle!" You called out into the house, and you listened intently as rapid footsteps made their way down the stairs. You turned to see your daughter, her beautiful navy blue locks tied back into a white ribbon.

You smiled to yourself before turning back to the mirror and finishing putting your earrings on. You smoothed out your dress and pulled your lace gloves further down your wrist. Your hand hovered over your small round belly, only about thirteen or fourteen weeks along now.

You smiled to yourself before taking your wrapped gift for Diluc into your arms. It was a present made by both you and Alexandria, wrapped beautifully in delicate wrapping paper. Your daughter seemed impatient as she was fidgeting with the door handle, eager to open it.

You nodded, and she smiled brightly before opening the door widely, almost hitting the wall with the doorknob.

"My sweet one, stay close and don't wander off please! Here, take my hand." You told her, and closed the door behind you as you both headed for the exit and entrance to Mondstadt. You walked past Sara at Good Hunter, and Kathryn from the Adventurer's Guild, until you walked past Swan.

"Safe travels, Mrs. Alberich!" The guards told you, earning a nod as you two walked towards the bridge. Alexandria saw a cluster of pigeons up ahead, running through them and making them fly away.

"Mama! When will we get to see Daddy?" She called as she began fiddling with the seam of her sleeve. You gave it thought while pressing your fingers to your chin in contemplation.

"Hm, I'm not sure, my sweet one. But look, our carriage is here!" You whisper-yelled the last part and pointed to the carriage that Kaeya had gotten for you so that you wouldn't have to walk all the way to the Dawn Winery.

Alexandria's eyes sparkled with excitement once again as she ran to it and opened the door. She was saddened to see that her father wasn't inside, as he liked to hide most times.

She turned to you for a moment with sadness in her eyes and only reluctantly climbed inside. Ever since the day that you and Kaeya were freed from the Abyss, his Knightly duties had become all the more rigorous.

He wasn't as present as he used to be, but you knew that he was trying his hardest to protect you. You were almost to the carriage when you felt someone grab your waist and twirl you around.

You yelped before you were dipped low, and you felt a pair of lips on yours. Your grip on Diluc's gift was still tight as you wrapped your available arm around your darling husband, smiling against his lips. You pulled away and you watched as your beloved gave you a mischievous wink.

"Daddy!" Alexandria exclaimed before sliding out of the carriage and jumping into Kaeya's arms excitedly. The two shared laughter before rubbing their foreheads together while scrunching their noses; their way of showing affection.

"My, just look at you, my flower! It's like you're getting bigger and bigger every time I see you!" Kaeya mused while picking his daughter up in his arms and holding her securely. He turned to you and kissed you once more, using his available hand to caress your belly sweetly.

"Did you bring his birthday gift?" He asked in between kisses to your lips, and you only held up the wrapped box to answer his question.

"Ick, Mama and Daddy are gross..." Alexandria complained while covering her eyes with her hands and making gagging noises. You only laughed before playfully pinching her nose with your fingers, causing her to squeak in surprise.

You all climbed into the carriage, and Kaeya knocked on the roof of it to signal the driver that you were ready to go. A sudden jolt of the horses shook the carriage, and you smiled while looking out of the window.

Let's Make A Wager (Kaeya Alberich x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu