Chapter 16: Competition Nerves pt.2

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Lilly's POV

The next morning

I woke up around 7:00 this morning. Mom was still asleep so I went downstairs quietly since the whole house was basically still sleeping. I started my school work and got something to eat from the fridge. Dance was starting at 12:00 today so I had a lot of time before I had to leave. By the time I heard the first person come down the stairs it was 8:15. I got off the chair and walked around the corner to see who was coming. I saw mom and as soon as I saw her I walked over and gave her a hug.

"Thank you for staying with me last night." I said as she picked me up and took me to the kitchen.

Anna: You're welcome. Just know I'm always here for you.

She gave me a kiss and put me down. I went back to doing my school work until around 11:00. I went to get changed for dance and then I was going to go practice before we left.

Anna: Lilly, sweetie, stay up here.

"But mom, I need to practice." I said starting to cry.

Anna: Don't cry. I just don't want you to get yourself worked up before practice.

"I need to practice mom...... please?" I said in between sobs.

Anna: Come here baby.

I walked over to mom and she walked me over to the couch. She sat me down and just held me for a little bit.

Anna: Lilly, you need to calm down. You're working yourself up to much right now, so just calm down.

Mom wiped away my tears and took me downstairs.

Anna's POV

Lilly kept begging me to let her practice but I didn't want her to work herself up before she had to be at the studio. But I decided to let her go downstairs and at least warm up.

"You can warm up and stretch but I don't want you working on your dances, ok?" I said.

Lilly: But mom......

"No buts. You can either stretch and warm up or wait until practice." I said as she looked at me with watery eyes.

She ran upstairs and just sat on the couch curled up in a ball. I sat down beside her and just ran my fingers through her hair and she just cried.

A few minutes later Callen came downstairs and saw Lilly crying. He came over to the couch and sat on the other side of Lilly.

Callen: Hey Lilly bean. What's wrong?

Lilly: Mom won't let me practice. She said I have to wait until I'm at the studio.

Callen: She's right. I don't think it's a good idea to work yourself up before going to practice either.

15 minutes later

It's now 11:30 and Lilly needs to be at the studio in 30 minutes. We got in the car and everything was going well until I saw Lilly crying and holding her stomach.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked putting one hand on top of her hand that was holding her stomach.

Lilly: My stomach hurts.

"I'm sorry baby." I said as I put my hand back on the steering wheel. "Is there anything I can do?"

Lilly: I want to go home.

"Why the sudden change of not wanting to practice? You we're just begging to practice a few minutes ago." I said.

Lilly: I know, but my stomach really hurts. I don't want to go anymore.

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