Chapter 12: The New Announcement

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In this chapter the team meets Lilly for the first time and she also does a zoom call for her dance class. But little did Callen and Anna know that this was going to be one of Lilly's first challenging weeks for dance.
Anna's POV

It was the day Lilly was going to meet the team and I'm really nervous to see what there reactions are going to be. Lilly is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, besides meeting Callen obviously. I went to get Lilly up and have her start getting ready to leave. Callen already left for work so we're just going to meet to him there.

"Hey Lilly, it's time to get up." I said, gently rubbing her back and moving her hair away from her face. She felt unusually warm and I got a bit worried.

"Lilly are you feeling ok?" I asked, as she started to wake up.

Lilly: Yeah, why?

"Your head feels really warm." I said, while feeling her forehead.

Lilly: No, I'm fine, I'll just get ready to leave.

"Ok." I said as I left the room. I wanted to believe her but something seemed off.

Lilly's POV

Ok, I wasn't fine. But I couldn't tell mom that because she probably would pull me out of my dance classes and Ms. Abby would be really mad at me since I already said I was doing the zoom call this week. I went downstairs and mom had breakfast on the table, but I wasn't hungry.

Anna: Here's your breakfast.

"Thanks mom, but I'm not really hungry."

Anna: You have to eat something.

"I'll get some granola and take it to go." I said as I grabbed the granola out of the cabinet.

Anna: Ok, we're leaving in 10 minutes so get ready to go.

We got ready to leave and got in the car to go to mom and dads work. My head felt worse then this morning but I couldn't tell mom or dad because I didn't want to get pulled out of dance this week and then get yelled at by Ms. Abby.

Anna's POV:

We arrived at work and Lilly looked worse now then she did this morning. She also fell asleep in the car which is apparently rare for her unless it's a long trip and she had to get up early. I didn't want to wake her up so I just carried her in even though she's 10 years old. We went inside and everyone was up in osp. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and it was Callen.

Callen: Why is Lilly still sleeping?

"I don't know, she fell asleep in the car" I said " I didn't want to wake her up again so I just carried her in." I added as I laid her down on the couch.

Callen: Doesn't she still have dance this week?

"She does. But her head feels really warm and she didn't really eat any breakfast. She brought some granola in the car and ate a bit until she fell asleep." I said while playing with her hair.

Callen: Well we might need to wake her up before the team comes down here.

"Ok, I'll wake her up." I said. "Could you maybe go upstairs and keep everyone up there?" I asked. "I'll bring her up."

Callen: Ok.

Callen went upstairs as I tried to wake up Lilly. I rubbed her arm but she didn't move. I didn't want to shake her to much incase she actually was sick so I just kept playing with her hair and rubbing her back until she woke up. Once I got her up we headed upstairs to meet the team. The door opened and we walked inside, they were all confused but were really excited about meeting her.

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