Chapter 8: The Scare

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Anna's POV

While I waited for Callen to check on the team, I started to feel even worse than before. Everything began to get really blurry and I could barely keep my eyes open. My head hurt so much that I felt like I was going to throw up. I tried to call for Callen but nothing came out. Soon I blacked out again and was on the floor, the last thing I heard was Callen telling me he was back.

Callen's POV

"Hey Anna I'm back, how are you feeling?" I said as I was getting closer to the room she was in, but got no response.

I walked in to see her laying on the floor unconscious. I ran to her as fast as I could and held her close. "How could I leave her like this?" I asked myself, "I should have called the team to come to me. I should have known that Anna wasn't ok. She wanted me to stay with her and I left to get the team anyway."

Talking to Eric through the comms

"Eric we need an ambulance now!!!" I said, really worried.

Eric: Ambulance is on the way, it's about 5 minutes away.

"It needs to be sooner." I said, with pain in my voice.

Eric: It's now two minutes away Callen.

"Ok, I'm going to take her to the door."

End of conversation

I picked Anna up and carried her towards the front door. She was starting to get really cold so I took off my jacket and put it on her.

After about a minute later I heard the sirens of an ambulance. I picked up Anna and took her outside, they told me to put her on the stretcher and after I did that I watched them put her in the ambulance. They started to check for a pulse but didn't find one. They put a heart monitor on her and there wasn't a sign of a heart beat, the line went flat. They tried to use the defibrillator but it didn't work, they tried to put it up a bit but it still didn't work. They were going to stop but I insisted that they kept trying. They continued to put it up a bit and eventually they got a heart beat, it was faint but it was there. I held her hand the whole way to the hospital and then once we got there I kissed her hand before they took her back to the room.

About 2 hours later

Anna's POV

I don't know what happened to me after Callen went to get the team, but I woke up in a hospital room. A doctor soon came in and told me something very shocking that I wasn't ready for.

Doctor: Ms. Kolcheck, I'm sorry to say this, but you have lost your baby. After that hit to your head, and you blacking out several times, and then going unconscious for we don't know how long, has caused your baby to lose it's heart beat. But you are free to go home now so we'll let Callen know and he can come back and see you and you two can leave. Sorry again about your baby.

I didn't have any words. I had no idea I was pregnant, how am I going to tell Callen? I started to cry and I thought to myself "if I had just listened to Callen when he said to stay in the bathroom none of this would have happened and I would still have our baby. I started to cry more and when Callen came in I didn't know what to say.

Callen: Anna, why are you crying? What happened?

I really wanted to tell him but I didn't know how. All I could say was "can we go home now?"

Callen: Sure, but what's wrong.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, ok. Can we just go, please?"

Callen: Ok, let's go.

Callen's POV

I walked in to see Anna crying and I tried to ask her what happened but she just wanted to go home. I tried to ask again as we got ready to leave but she said she didn't want to talk about it. But as we left the hospital and got into the car Anna started to talk to me a bit.

Anna: Callen, I'm really sorry.

"Sorry for what? You did nothing wrong."

Anna: I should have listened to you when you said to stay and now everything is ruined.

"It's fine, you're safe now and nothing is ruined" I assured her. She started to cry again and I knew something was wrong. "Just tell me now" I said. "It seems like it's really upsetting you".

Anna: No, I want to get home first.

"Ok." I said as I grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked at me and gave me a little smile.

At Home

Anna's POV

We got home from the hospital and it was time to give Callen the news

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We got home from the hospital and it was time to give Callen the news. I didn't know how to tell him and I was really worried about what his reaction was going to be.

Callen: Hey Anna. What do you need to tell me?

"Umm, can we wait a bit? I need some more time to, uhh, process this."

Callen: Process what?

"Can we not do this now?"

Callen: Ok, let me know when you're ready to talk.

An hour later

"Hey Callen, I'm ready to talk now". I said.

Callen: Ok. What's up?

"You might want to sit down first."

Callen: Just tell me now Anna.

"Ok. I don't know how to say this but, uhhh."

Callen: Say what, are you ok?

"I'm fine but, uhh, *slight pause*, I was pregnant but I lost the baby. I didn't know until I was at the hospital. I'm sorry." I said, starting to cry again.

Callen: You have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault.

I knew it wasn't my fault but I still felt guilty. I could have prevented all of this from happening if I just listened to Callen.

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