Chapter 14: Reunion

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In this chapter Natalie Manning, Will Halstead, Hailey Upton, and Jay Halstead visit Anna and Callen. Natalie is married to Will and they have a son named Owen (he won't be in this story to much but I thought I would mention him) also Jay and Hailey are married and have been for a few months.

It's been 3 years since they last saw each other so Hetty gave Anna and Callen time off to be with there friends. While they are out Devin Rountree and Fatima Namazi fill in for them at NCIS. There is going to be less about there work in this chapter and more about them all hanging out and Lilly going to dance classes and competitions. Also there's a surprise in store for Hailey and Jay a little while into there visit.

Anna's POV

Today we have some friends coming over for a few months. They have no idea that we adopted a kid so it's going to be a huge surprise. We have two spare bedrooms in the house so Jay and Hailey will have one room and Natalie and Will will have the other.

They don't come till this afternoon so we have all morning to get ready. Lilly has dance class so Callen will drop her off and then pick up some things at the store after. We are both really excited for them to meet Lilly and they know that we do something every weekend but they don't know what so that will also be a surprise for them.

Lilly's POV

Later that afternoon at dance

"My Mom and Dad have some friends coming over that I've never met, but I'm really excited to meet them." I told my friends at dance while we were waiting in the den for Ms. Abby.

Gia: What are there names?

"Mom said that there are four friends coming over, Hailey and Jay and then Natalie and Will".

Hannah: That sounds like fun.

"Yeah, I'm really excited." I said.

Ellie: What do they do for a job, do you know?

"I don't know to much, but what I do know is that Hailey and Jay are detectives at the 21st district in Chicago and Natalie and Will are doctors at Chicago Med."

Sarah: That's so cool.

Brady: Are they going to come watch practice?

"I don't think so, I think they are going to spend the day with my parents and maybe walk around town a bit."

Presley: Are they going to come to competitions?

"I think so, cause my parents always come so I would assume they are going to come as well." I said, right before Ms. Abby called us all in for pyramid so we went out and lined up.

Ms. Abby: Today were actually not doing pyramid. This week I want to jump right into our routines for this weekend because we're travelling to Pittsburgh and we're also doing JoJo solos.

We all got so excited and started jumping up and down. She's like one of our favourite former Abby dancers ever.

Ms. Abby then started to give out solos and I was really hoping I'd get one.

Ms. Abby: Ok, so Lilly you also have a solo this week and you're going to do  JoJo's solo "Straight Escape" only your arms are going to be completely tied together. You also have a duet with Hannah called "We're Breathing".

My level of excitement went way down because there was a big chance that I could fall and not be able to get back up or I could get seriously hurt in my solo.
But I was really excited about my duet with Hannah, so I had that to look forward to.

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