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"You did a nice job Isabella", a voice suddenly came from the darkness.

" He'll be alright, isn't he" I hated the fact that I asked this question. Why do I even care about him?

"I'm his father Isabella. I'll not harm my son" he assured me.

Flashback to the morning:

Kevin and his father left the room. I was still processing everything that is going on when suddenly his father came back.

" He won't listen to me I know. Please help me out"

I looked at him dumbfounded. Hell no I'm getting involved in Evans business. I did once and I'm not liking the outcome. I was in my thoughts when suddenly he said something which I wasn't expecting.

"It will help you to get free from him as well"

No way. That's what I want. I didn't waste even a second and asked him what I have to do.

" The task is simple. Kevin will ask you to come with him to the party and I assume you would say no but you have to say yes to him and go with him"

"What? You said it yourself I would say no. I'm not going to any party with your son sir" I told him straight.

"Listen to me first. You'll say yes and go with him and when you get a chance you'll inject this injection into him and then the rest we'll take care off"

I was listening to his terrifying plan. I mean what if Kevin comes to know about all this and what not crossed my mind.

" I know you are scared to do this but believe me you are the only one who can get that close to him without being suspicious"

I don't know how I felt about that but whatever it is if it's helping me to get away from this prison then I'm willing to risk it all." Okay I'll do it"


Current time:

"Fine then. I'll go collect my stuff and get away from his place. As far as I can" I said while being finally able to see some rays of hope.

"Okay tell us if you need our help", his father said to me

Help from another Evans, how ironic. I thought to myself. " Sure".


I came back to the mansion. I'm finally so happy. I'll get away from this monster. I'll have my life back. I packed up all my stuff and was about to leave when I heard something.

"He's being getting transferred to Alaska. If you wanna end his life do it now"

What the hell, we have traitors in our house.

"Hey, you" hearing me ran away from there. I went after him but he was gone. I was returning when I saw Kevin lying motionless in a room. I don't know why but I felt weird. I went in.

"Although I want you to suffer as well but your father wants you safe so guess what I helped him to get you to the safe place. I hope we never meet you again" I looked at him for the last time and get up but someone held my wrist.

I gasped "Kevin".

" Yes, Mrs Evans you really thought you'll get free from me that easily. You gave me another reason to prove that I should not let people get too close to me because then I'll only get betrayed." He said in a weak voice probably because of the injection.

I don't know why but my heart twitched. From day one I have seen anger and demand to claim me his in his eyes but today for the first time I saw sadness and hurt. He was too weak to stay up long and hence he passed out. I ran from his room to tell his father about what I just heard.

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