Cruel Fate

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My whole existence froze where as my heart completely stopped beating hearing his words. I looked at him shocked, I couldn't find a single word to utter to him. Regaining myself I spoke


"Yes, marry me and I'll free them from this misery or else I would do things which will make you regret on being alive".

"No you can't do this, you can't force me to marry you", I exclaimed trying to hold back my tears.

"I can do anything love, now it's up to you I told you what I'll do according to the decision you'll take".

"I'll give a time till afternoon tell me your answer and then I'll proceed with writting your fate"

With that he left me in that dark office, all alone to decide whether I want him to destroy Mr and Mrs.Young or I'll give myself to him.

I fell on ground unable to hold it all anymore. Why is this happening to me. Why life can't be good to me. Suddenly my phone rang. It's Mr.Young. I pull myself together and answer the call.

"What happened dear? You talked to their boss? What did he said?" Mr.Young asked.

I could feel the fear of losing his cafe and hence his whole life in his voice. I didn't know what to say. I can't tell him what all is happening here.

"Hello.. Isabella"

"Yes Mr.Young, I am talking to him. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to your cafe", I finally acknowledged

Mr.Young started crying.
"You know Isabella how much this cafe mean to us. I can't loose it. It's our only way of income. Dan won't help at all. I can't..I can't loose this"
He said breaking down.

My heart felt the twig. Dan is his only son but he doesn't help them financially. He lives in Canada and never really come to check up on them. Cafe is the only source of income for them. If anything happens to the cafe how will they survive.

"Mr Young I assure you nothing bad will happen", I said with heavy heart.

"I believe you Isabella"

With that he ended the call. All of this suffering they are going through is because of me. Everything that moster is doing he is doing to take revenge from me. I can't let all this affect Mr.Young. With that I was clear what I'm gonna do. I pulled myself together and walked out of the office to go and meet him.

Kevin's Pov (Point of view)

I was in my cabin when thinking what all I'm gonna do to break that little thing. As I was in my thoughts I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

As the door open it revealed Isabella standing there with red and puffy eyes. It looked like she cried a lot.

"I wasn't expecting to see you that early"

"I'll marry you", she said fearlessly.

My eyes widened at the sudden action of her's. I wasn't expecting she would say yes.

"Are you sure Isabella".

"Yes I'll marry but you have to promise me you won't do anything to the cafe or to Mr and Mrs.Young.  You will leave them alone".

"That's what I said. So if that's what your final decision is then come here and sign this paper"

I saw that she was hesitating and then she came up and signed them without even a single glance at me.

"You didn't read the papers"

"I don't have to. I already know you are a disgusting and shitty person so you will write things that I don't wanna read"

I chuckled how bravely she stood infront of me.

I took my steps forward and stand infront of her. I could see that this decision broke her heart. My eyes averted from her eyes to her lips. I placed my hand on her and then wiped her lower lips with my thumb while starting at them hungrily. Ahh how I wanna taste those luscious lips of her.

"Don't fucking touch me with your dirty hands"

She tossed my hands away from her face.

I chuckled.
"Is this how you talk to your husband Isabella. You belong to me now. I can touch wherever I want and whenever I want"

I saw her lips twitched.

"You can't. I allowed this to happen just for Mr and Mrs. Young. I would never ever let you have any control on me"

She didn't realised that while shouting she came insanely close to me . I put my hands on her waist and swirl her around. Her back hitting my chest.

"Leave me", she said while struggling to get free from my hold.

I tighten my grip on her and pulled her more closer to me. I moved her hair from on side and put my head in the crook of her neck and she stayed there stunted.

"I will never leave you. I will break you little by little every single day until you'll beg me to stop".

"You are mine. Mine to ruin and mine to cherish."

She stayed there not even moving an inch then suddenly she stumped my foot with heels . I growled in pain and my grip on her loosen. She stepped back from me.

"You won't get the pleasure of destroying me Mr.Evans. I'll make sure you know that you choose the wrong fire to play with. You'll regret it."

With that she stormed out of the room. I chuckled at her bravery.

"It's gonna be fun Isabella. We'll see who's gonna win this game."

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