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Band O' Misfits

reevass - you did not...

but i did

jojo - hiya Nyah

reevass - ohmygodimgonnacry
reevass - hi Scarlett 

jojo - you're welcome for this btw 
jojo - i wanted a group chat
jojo - speaking of, where's melissa?

melwood - here!
melwood - hi everyone!

reevass - i love having famous siblings
reevass - hi melissa 

before nyah dies
i have a bit of a... situation.

melwood - is this the reason behind the private story?


jojo - i know a bit
jojo - Marvel are wrong for this

i don't think it's Marvel
i think it's our management teams

reevass -  wait what?

melwood - fill us in guys

so basically
mine and Chris' management teams have reached out
and told us we need to break up
'it's bad for publicity'

jojo - Chris rang marvel 
jojo - and they said they had no involvement
jojo - he then left our shared apartment in Manhattan to go investigate

melwood - you share an apartment?

jojo - it was from filming Avengers
jojo - easier to locate us if we all share an apartment

reevass - an apartment full of boys?
reevass - i could never

jojo - it was funny 

melwood - i bet
melwood - but back to the story

Chris came here and his management phoned him
telling him theres no way around it we have to break up
because they want to a stunt for his next movie

melwood - you're kidding

i wish
the only reason they 'allowed it'
was because it was good for the new Captain America movie 
as well as the new series of Batwoman
so now we have to be secretive 
while he fake-dates Jenny 

jojo - a lesson to learn from this mini rivas
jojo - don't get famous

reevass - bit late for that
reevass - famous A-List celebrity siblings 
reevass - can't really avoid it

melwood - do you have any idea what you want to do when you graduate?

reevass - i don't really know
reevass - i keep having modelling companies try and sign me
reevass - but i don't want to do that
reevass - architecture is cool
reevass - i like designing buildings in engineering
reevass - and looking at historical heritage
reevass - like the pyramids in Egypt

whatever you do i'm proud 

melwood - they do stunning Architecture Design courses at all uni's

jojo - my friend did the History of Architecture course at MIT
jojo - they travel the world now looking at all sorts 

reevass - that sounds cool!
reevass - i don't think i'm smart enough for MIT though

dont lie 
Miss 4.0 GPA

jojo - good job kid

reevass - ha thanks 

melwood - MIT would be mad not to accept you!

they really would

reevass - we'll see i guess 

are you applying there?

reevass - i wasn't going to 
reevass - but it would be stupid not to after that

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