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what makes you say that Evans

chrisevans - i'm captain america
chrisevans - can't get much cooler than that

you sound very conceited right now

chrisevans - i promise you i'm not like that

of course not Evans

chrisevans - it's true i just love my job very much
chrisevans - the difference it makes to so many people astonishes me

me too
i'm so grateful to play Batwoman
inspiring young people in minority groups is...
i don't even know how to explain it

chrisevans - rewarding?


chrisevans - i love being someone people look up to
chrisevans - from no matter what walk of life they're from

i like that
oh gotta run
show time

chrisevans - see you Oakley

bye Evans



indieperks : there are 10 things you need to know

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indieperks : there are 10 things you need to know...

tagged ; @zoyaoak , @rivertone

liked by 631K

comments :

user - im so jealous...

anonymous - when she knows Hamilton>>>

unknown - i thought Zoya was in Vancouver???
> liked by chrisevans

zoyaoak - best week off <3

rivertone - i don't want to leave you both :(
^ indieperks - you're going on TOUR
> liked by zoyaoak
^ zoyaoak - we are so so so proud of you

rivertone - see you soon Orlando xo

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rivertone - see you soon Orlando xo

liked by 809K

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