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zoyaoak : it's time to face the music

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zoyaoak : it's time to face the music...
> The TMZ article featuring India Berkshire was wrong to be aired. However. Having spoken with India since then, i know that TMZ had no role in 'prying out information' on my life as i have seen spread around. That is why, after hearing all the information the interview abruptly stops. 
As i mentioned i have spoken to India since and I henceforth will never be speaking to her again. she has not only violated my privacy but also brought up traumatic things to me and then tried to ask me for sympathy. 

> The final straw however was the blatant homophobia that i ignored for the sake of friendship. Over all the time i was friends with India, never once did she use my they/them pronouns. noticing that hurt. it is not hard to change something so simple as the way you address someone. somebody i had never met before apologised to me millions of times when my friend used they and they assumed she. I had constant homophobia and transphobia all throughout high school and at my house too... i don't want anyone going through that so i have put an e-mail in my bio, any forms of racism, homophobia or transphobia that you feel cannot be reported out-right due to safety concern or anything really - please contact. these e-mails will be filtered then addressed by me (or my manager - who will also filter them -  if i'm working) and reported as soon as possible.

> As for the depression, it is true. I have seen a therapist since i was 12 years old. I stopped seeing her when i was 21 and i have now gone back to our weekly sessions. she is my saving grace and i cannot thank her enough for everything. there are many factors to how this came to be that the world doesn't need to know about so that is all i'm going to say.

Please be respectful. 


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comments : restricted

melissabenoist - i am so proud of you

stephenamell - the strongest person i know x

rubyrose - power move 

imsebastianstan - go you

scarlettjohannsan - you rock

chrisevans - i am so lucky to be with you right now
^ zoyaoak - why so i can hug you whilst you cry over my post?
^ chrisevans - yes

grantgust - that's my Z! go legend 

rivertone - not-quite sibling goals
> liked by nyahriva 

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